Hello. On a small agricultural test field of about 1.5 Ha, on which I
made the DEM with a survey in the field, I am trying some simulation of
rainwater drainage, with a comparison of the current situation, a
situation of passages of the tractor with carriages according to
straight lines, and a situation of passages according to a keyline
design, curved.
To modify the dem to keep up with the tractor tracks, I am using the
r.carve module: I use a width of 0.4 meters and a depth of 0.07
(resolution of the DEM and of the region of 0.1).
In the situation of straight carriageways, r.carve cuts ditches about 3
m deep (either using -n or not).
Strange because in the situation of curved lines in keyline everything
was fine.
I don't understand how the module thinks, and what the default is.
Thank you

Enrico bonushenricus tecnico agricolo (Italia)

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