Something broke here yesterday and I haven't found the fix so I need help.

My GISDBASE is /data/grassdata and it holds many locations. My current
project has a mapset titled lady_island_reaches. When I start grass from
either /data/grassdata/. /data/grassdata/<project_location>, or any other
location it opens to that one mapset. Examples:

PWD: /data/grassdata/:
$ grass
GRASS <project_location>/lady_island_reaches:grassdata >

PWD: /data/grassdata/<project_location>/:
GRASS <project_location>lady_island_reaches:<project_location> >

PWD: /data/grassdata/lon_lat/:
GRASS project_location/lady_island_reaches:lon_lat >

I know there should be a grassrc file somewhere but it's not showing up with
locate or find and I don't see it in /usr/local/grass80.

GRASS is stuck on the project location's one mapset. I want to start it from
the project location and despite the mapset being the last current one be
able to change mapsets.

Now, g.mapsets -p shows only lady_island_reaches and PERMANENT. However,
g.mapsets -l shows them all. When I change mapsets to, for example,
bathymetry then g.mapset -p shows only bathymetry and PERMANENT.

Where do I look to find what's going on so I can fix it?


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