On Sat, 25 Sep 2021, Moritz Lennert wrote:

You feed the information to g.region with the 'raster' parameter.
-p just means pretty print the region settings, it doesn't set the region.


I know this. :-)

If you want to set the region to the extension covered by multiple raster
maps, just feed all the maps' names to the 'raster' parameter.

Ah! I hadn't thought of this.

But in your case, while still testing, you should set the region to one
map, then test with r.report, then set the region to the next map, test,

I don't think I need to test any more, but I'll probably do one more anyway.

Another hint: if you just want to quickly test if the imported map has any
values, use r.info which is region independent. With the -r flage you get
the min-max range.

r.info is what lead me to the issue. I didn't save the output from all the
maps. I seem to recall that as the script ran there were issues of the map
being imported not being in the current region's extent.

All my previous work with GRASS since 4.0 had one large map that covered a
larger region than needed for the project so I would define a project area
within it. These LiDAR topography maps cover a very large spatial area and I
have no idea with one (or two) actually include the project's area. So I
need to import them all then find the appropriate one or two.

Thanks very much,

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