I tried to export a vector file to use it in another application. The
module returns an error message that says "Unable to create OGR spatial
reference". The detailed output is here:

> v.out.ogr input=MDG_UNSALB_admin3_selectionSN5@PERMANENT
> output=/home/amit/Documents/mdg_aoi2_.gpkg
> ERROR 10: Pointer 'hSRS' is NULL in 'OSRImportFromWkt'.
> ERROR: Unable to create OGR spatial reference

Projection info

> g.proj -p
> -PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------
> name       : unknown
> datum      : wgs84
> ellps      : wgs84
> proj       : aea
> lat_0      : 0
> lon_0      : 25
> lat_1      : 20
> lat_2      : -23
> x_0        : 0
> y_0        : 0
> no_defs    : defined
> towgs84    : 0.000,0.000,0.000
> -PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------
> unit       : meter
> units      : meters
> meters     : 1

I cannot figure out where I am wrong. Can you suggest an alternative?
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