Hello Ivan,

Space-time datasets in GRASS are map based, so, you either need to create
one vector map per date and then create the time series and register the
maps there, or in the case of STVDS, you could also add a different layer
per date to the same vector map and register those as in:
(see the "Register a vector map with layers representing time steps"


El vie, 22 jul 2022 a las 14:34, Ivan Marchesini (<ivan.marches...@gmail.com>)

> Dear GRASS users,
> I have a question about the creation of a spatio-temporal vector datasets
> I have a vector points map representing sample sites and it includes a
> field of the attribute table describing the sampling date (a different
> day, not sequential, for each point).
> I would like to transform the vector point map into a stvds in order to
> use it with t.vect.what.strds.
> My question is: is it possible to register the vector point map as a stvds?
> thank you
> Ivan
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