On Wed, 3 May 2023, Michael Barton wrote:

The setup of my Mac is quite different from on Linux of course, but in my
GRASS.sh, GRASS_PYTHON is set to point to the actual file that launches
the correct python.

# set Python
export GRASS_PYTHON="$GISBASE/python.app/Contents/MacOS/python"

Perhaps giving it a path rather than simply calling python3 will help.


I had tried pointing grass to /usr/bin/python3 but it didn't like that.
Here, /usr/bin/python3 points to /usr/bin/python3.9. This allows python3
minor version upgrades be found using the same command.

Somehow, the display monitors became FUBAR. Grass tells me that wx? is
running, but doesn't display the GUI, and I cannot stop them. It cannot find
the process ID (the .pid) file because there are no d.mon wx? processes
running. A reboot doesn't clear that clog. If I can get `git pull` to work
I'll rebuild and re-install grass and see if that fixes it.


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