Dear community


I am new to GRASS GIS and I got the following error:


r.boxplot -o input=Bombus_test@PERMANENT


> Note, you need to close the figure to finish the script


Reducing number of bins from 1000000 to 132480

Computing histogram

Computing bins

Binning data

Sorting bins

Computing quantiles

WARNING: Unable to open database <C:\Users\Sibylle
Stöckli\grassdata\Switzerland2\PERMANENT\sqlite\sqlite.db> by driver

ERROR: Unable to open database
<$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db> by driver <sqlite>

WARNING: Unable to open database <C:\Users\Sibylle
Stöckli\grassdata\Switzerland2\PERMANENT\sqlite\sqlite.db> by driver

WARNING: Unable open database <C:\Users\Sibylle
Stöckli\grassdata\Switzerland2\PERMANENT\sqlite\sqlite.db> by driver

WARNING: Unable to find table <tmpvec02b00ce38c645a48848f01f3d94c6cd2a9>
linked to vector map <tmpvec02b00ce38c645a48848f01f3d94c6cd2a9>

Traceback (most recent call last):


However, when going to that directory, the location produced before
(Switzerland2) is there:


C:\Users\Sibylle Stöckli\grassdata\Switzerland2\PERMANENT



Kind regards


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