I'm a complete laymen when it comes to programming, so this is
probably a really stupid "suggestion"... but doesn't the data tree
structure lend itself to multithreading?  That is, within a single
component, when the calculation initiates, isn't there a way to
separate independent calculations/operations done within each path?
Take a mass addition component with 4 paths, N=9.  Couldn't the
component send each path to a separate core?  The performance
increases for each component would seem to be drastic when you add it
all up... but I suppose I'm missing something fairly major because if
it were that easy, I'm sure you would have already done it.  :P


On May 14, 4:37 pm, David Rutten <da...@mcneel.com> wrote:
> Hi Damien,
> you are right of course, and properly written code ought not give too
> much problems when called from within a multi-threaded environment.
> Meshing is indeed an excellent example of potential for multi-
> threading. It might work on a number of levels:
> 1) Break the list of objects to mesh into N sublists and assign each
> sublist to an individual core. This should be reasonably easy to do.
> 2) Break the polysurface into N sublists of faces, and assign each
> face array to an individual core. Once they are all finished, the
> meshing-post-process can start to stitch up all the edges. This is
> obviously much harder to synchronize, but it would provide performance
> increase for individual objects.
> 3) Break the entire meshing algorithm into loose parts, and have each
> core only focus on a subset of vertices that belong to a single face.
> This will be very tricky, and its not obvious that there will be a
> performance increase because of all the logic overhead.
> The mesher is already written with threading in mind, so we should be
> able to add this feature without having to rewrite too much code.
> I made a multi-threading test a while back in an attempt to speed up
> the Contour command. Essentially assigning each contour section to a
> new thread. This didn't work because the deep-down nurbs intersection
> code in Rhino either stores intermediate data in global variables or
> on the Brep object being intersected. Thus, once you call this
> BrepBrep Intersection code from within two threads simultaneously,
> they get confused because they keep overwriting each others
> intermediate results. We have a lot of those functions in the core
> which means there's no way we can just start implementing multi-
> threading command by command.
> So it's actually much worse than you think. It's not just that we
> (McNeel) won't go into MT anytime soon, but our 3rd party developers
> also cannot do so because they have to rely on our non-thread-safe
> core functions.
> The good news is that for Rhino5 we've started looking into this and
> we've actually made some isolated bits and pieces multi-threaded. As
> we become more comfortable and more experienced with MT, we'll be able
> to slowly fix all the non-thread-safe functions in the core. No idea
> how long this will take or if we'll even manage to fix ALL the
> problems.
> What does this mean for Grasshopper:
> Since the order of operations inside in Grasshopper is totally
> unpredictable (it depends on the network made by the user), I dare not
> make GH components thread-aware. There are of course parts where
> threading is possible (preview meshes or grasshopper-only-operations
> for example), but I've disabled preview-meshing-threads for the time
> being since there were some odd crashes and I didn't have the courage
> to debug them.
> --
> David Rutten
> da...@mcneel.com
> Robert McNeel & Associates
> On May 14, 2:37 pm, damien_alomar <dominos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the info Bob.  I didn't realize that you guys had started
> > using OpenMP.  Although in most cases, rewriting some of those chunks
> > of code to allow for multithreading might not really offer too much
> > added benefit, I think there are still other places where smaller
> > changes to allow for multithreading could be added.  A simple example
> > is something like meshing.  If we're meshing more than one object why
> > can't we have each object potentially meshed in its own thread?  I
> > think solving fairly basic multithreaded situations like that might be
> > a good place to start and one where there is certainly a good deal of
> > added benefit.  Just my two cents from a guy who's not looking at the
> > code and couldn't write it myself ;)
> > Best,
> > Damien
> > On May 14, 12:52 am, Bob McNeel <bob.mcn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The details are not simple... to get your head into the problem, start
> > > by reading this article... all of it, along with the discussion.
> > >http://www.technologyreview.com/multicore
> > > Multicore programming is generally require a major rewrite of big
> > > chunks of code. Often for very little improvement. Of course there are
> > > exceptions, like raytracing which is already parallelized in most
> > > applications include Rhino and Flamingo.
> > > There are tools to help. One example is OpenMP. We are using OpenMP in
> > > Rhino 5, but my guess is that in most cases where OpenMP helps Rhino
> > > is already so fast you won't be able to tell the difference very
> > > often.
> > > To get your head deep into the topic, pick up a copy of "Using OpenMP"
> > > from MIT Press.
> > > On May 13, 8:48 pm, damien_alomar <dominos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I'm not sure what you're hopes were based on, but AFAIK there are no
> > > > multithreading additions for v5 or Grasshopper.  Doesn't really matter
> > > > what kind of system you have as its something that requires the
> > > > attention of the Rhino developers and David.  Last I asked (many
> > > > months ago), David said that he attempted to try out some
> > > > multithreading with GH, but had a lot of problems managing threads and
> > > > a number of issues with some SDK functions not being thread safe.
> > > > Unfortunately the response from McNeel on multithreading has been
> > > > practically non-existent with the only "official" word being that
> > > > "none of the functions in Rhino lend themselves to
> > > > multithreading" (loose quote there).  I personally don't buy that, but
> > > > I'm just a lay person and that's really a discussion for another
> > > > thread.
> > > > Best,
> > > > Damien
> > > > On May 13, 5:17 pm, Marc Syp <marc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > So I installed Rhino 5 today in the hopes that it would allow my GH to
> > > > > multithread, but alas my dual-core still maxes out at 50%... I'm
> > > > > running 32-bit.  Is that the problem??  We have 64-bit machines at
> > > > > work but I don't want to go through the lengthy and politically
> > > > > dangerous process of commandeering one of them if I will have the same
> > > > > problem.
> > > > > Will I find a multi-threading solution soon?  I find that I am limited
> > > > > in GH only by access to more processing power, and it makes me very
> > > > > sad...  :(
> > > > > Marc- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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