> Andruit:
> > I have several raster maps (aspect, slope, tand_curv etc.).
> > And then I would like to check Pixel by Pixel 
> > if slope = steep and aspect = North etc.
> > then
> > "Value of the checked pixel" + 10
> >
> > else
> >
> > ....
> >
> > Has anybody done this before? Is it possible to combine several
> > raster maps without losing any information?

sure, it is a basic thing for GRASS probably for 20 years. Combining the
maps into one first is a totally unnecessary step.

Jarosław Jasiewicz wrote:
> Thaw what you described has SpatialGridDataFrame in R. Simply you can 
> import all raster data to one SGDataFrame and you can do there what you 
> need.... It seems, becouse I can't understand for what you need 1 file 
> instead of three or for and use mapcalc for that operation. Simply
> seems that mapalgebra (r.mapcalc) it is what you realy need

e.g. r.mapcalc with the spearfish demo dataset:

g.region rast=elevation.dem
# GRASS usually measures aspect in degrees CCW from East
#  logic:  if(this is true, then do this, otherwise do this)
# "slope", "aspect", and "elevation.dem" are map names.
r.mapcalc "test = if(slope > 10 && (aspect >= 45 && aspect < 135),
                     elevation.dem, null())"
d.rast aspect
d.rast -o test

you can also use create a MASK map if the r.mapcalc logic starts to get
too confusing, to build up your query bit by bit. see the raster intro

see also r.mapcalculator for an nice GUI frontend for r.mapcalc.


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