Benjamin Ducke wrote:

> All the palettes are available in GMT color format, which is just plain
> ASCII and very similar to GRASS' own colour rule files in the 'cols'
> database elements. The only major difference seems to be three 
> additional lines at the end of the file specifying colours for
> foreground, background and no data areas which could simply be
> discarded.

GRASS colour tables have an entry for null, which corresponds to
"no data", but the foreground and background values can be discarded.

> So how about adding an option cpt=filename to r.colors, to set the
> color rules for a raster map from a GMT ASCII file?

That would probably be straightforward.

> The best of these styles could still be hardcoded into r.colors'
> database.

In that case, you might be better off with a script which converts GMT
palettes to files suitable for use by r.colours.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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