"Carlos \"Guâno\" Grohmann" wrote:

> I managed to get "slower" frame rates by calling the same frame ten times.
> Now, what I really like to do is get an animation with a title on top of the
> rasters, and maybe a colorscale on the side. Is this possible? I mean,
> directly?

Not directly.

It's easy enough to write a script to do this sort of thing, using the
PNG driver to generate the individual frames and ffmpeg, mencoder,
mpeg_encode etc to generate a video file from the frames.

An all-in-one program would either have too many parameters to be
feasible, or would end up being your own personal animation creator
which was useful for creating your animations and no-one else's
(unless they wanted exactly the same components as you, in the same
place, same size, same fonts, etc, with the video rendered at the same
size with the same codec, frame rate, and other encoding parameters,
and so on).

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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