More info: 
gdb gives the following error on running

gdb: unknown target exception 0xc0000135 at 0x7c964ed1

Program received signal ?, Unknown signal.

Program exited with code 030000000465.
You can't do that without a process to debug.

Internet search indicates that this is a windows error code that it cannot find 
or load required dll files for the program. I have tried loading 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH with all of the correct locations in both cygwin 
startup and in windows environment variables without success.

Possible related issue: ldd shows has a dependence on 
libgrass_gis.6.0.0.dll even though I am running grass 5.4.1. I tried creating a 
symlink from grass_gis.dll to grass_gis.6.0.0.dll but that did not fix it. It 
also shows a few other version-specific dependencies.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
> I am running grass on Windows XP with Cygwin. I cannot get to do 
> anything.  It dies with no output. 
> I have installed binaries from for grass 5.4.1 and grass 6.2.2. 
> and 
> for gdal. I have built gdal from source without grass or grasslib support, 
> then 
> built both grass versions from source with gdal enabled.  r.out.gdal works 
> but 
> dies silently. Also, gdalinfo works and gdal_translate works.
> Any advice?

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