Dear Grass'ers,

Please don't mind the previous email I sent. Figured out an algorithm
to do 4D interpolation! Sorry for the traffic! And thanks all the

     Best regards,

On 10/7/07, Jian Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Grass'ers,
> I am new to Grass and wondered if Grass provides a radial basis
> function method to interpolate / extrapolate 4D data. Basically, I
> need to get (interpolate / extrapolate) a velocity field in a
> three-dimensional volume given several sampling data in the space. If
> written in a function format, it looks like
> result_new = f(x[], y[], z[], result[], xnew, ynew, znew);
> where, x[], y[], z[], and result[] are known.
> (xnew, ynew, znew) represent a point in space and result_new returns the 
> result.
> Can someone please advice? If Grass cannot handle this, can someone
> please point other libraries to me that might be able to do so.
> Matlab's griddata3 only does linear interpolation that doesn't help.
>           Thank you very much!
>                With best regards,
>                       --Jian
>      Dept. of Computer Science
>      Brown University

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