Are there any limits on v.delaunay? I wanted to make a triangulation on 300000 points, and got a lot of memory allocation errors. Does it need to load all the points into memory? Or need a lot of extra memory for the processing?

OSX 10.4 with 2GB memory.  GRASS 6.3cvs, fairly recent.

Or is there some bug I'm running into?

Any ideas on alternatives to create a triangular network of polygons? I need to make a surface mesh that will eventually be imported into a 3D application. And with a few million points.

One possible source of the problem is that the points are arranged in a regular grid pattern. I realize that a triangular network is probably not the best for this and may be what is choking v.delaunay, but clients seem to know what they want without understanding what they want (we're trying to talk the client into using a raster elevation grid).

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.

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