> aswin indraprastha wrote:
> > I am newbie in Grass GIS and now want to import TIF image from Google
> > Earth Pro with r.in.gdal. Everything is OK, except the problem is when
> > I put r.composite to mix red,green,blue bands, the raster image look
> > strange, not the same (normal TIF file as I expected).

Markus wrote:
> Could you post the result of
> gdalinfo yourimage.tif

also could you post the result of
r.info -r map.red
r.info -r map.blue
r.info -r map.green

If they don't range the full 0-255 the color rules still have to go that full
range. In GRASS 6.3 you can do:

for BAND in red green blue; do
  r.colors map.$BAND color=grey255

In older versions of GRASS you can get the same by:
r.color map.red color=rules
0 black
255 white


> Is it normal?

No, but a common problem.

> > or is there any other procedure to view raster image in grassGIS?

d.rgb without r.composite. With r.composite you lose information.


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