
2007/10/20, Tara Athan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have a vector polygon layer with holes and I need to fill the holes.
> It is a complex boundary with hundreds of vertices so I would rather not
> do it by manually deleting the interior vertices. Is there any tool in
> GRASS that could help with this task?

don't know, but it would be easy to add such kind of option to v.edit
(6.3cvs). E.g.

v.edit map=mapa tool=delete query=holes [thresh=min_area] [coord,box,...]

Let me know if it make sense...


> Tara
> --
> Tara Athan
> Principal, Alternatives to Invasive Species
> 707-485-1198
> PO Box 415
> Redwood Valley, CA 95470
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