alrc wrote:

> I try to make simple (in theory) shaded relief based on SRTM data and blend
> it with Landsat7 RGB composite. 
> I have converted SRTM WRS2 (p187r025) tile from LatLong to UTM z34 to match
> my Landsat data. The thing is that the landsat image is somewhat
> rotated/skewed, which I guess is specific to ETM imagery rather than to UTM
> projection. When I try to combine rasters using r.blend I get an misaligned
> image. 

No idea, other than check that you reprojected the landsat imagery correctly.
How did you do the reprojection or import?
You are sure that the SRTM is ok?
Maybe try or* to load in the landsat data?

[*] from the wiki addons page

You can improve the landsat coloring with the i.landsat.rgb module, it makes a
big difference. for example:


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