I don't know whether I like to see that "Grass_GIS" no also supports the
dismantling of tax-payed infrastructures.
But hey, it's free software so people are also free to use it to behave
like true cheapskates, I guess.


David Hine wrote:
> Dear All
> Telstra is the largest telco in Australia and was once fully owned by
> the federal government as part of the post office. They used GRASS for
> analysis.. as below
> GRASS only in research institutions…. Not in this case…
> David Hine
>>From http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/id;1787316484
> *ACCC launches public consultation on Telstra SAO exemption*
> Telstra wants out of regional obligations
> Dahna McConnachie
> <http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/index.php/authid;31935179> 20/10/2007
> 04:09:15
> The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today launched
> a public consultation on Telstra's transmission capacity exemption
> application.
> Telstra has applied to the ACCC for exemption from service obligations
> in 20 regional areas due to growing infrastructure competition.
> The ACCC set up Standard Access Obligations (SAOs) in June 1997 that
> require a service provider to offer its domestic transmission capacity
> service to other service providers, along with specified ancillary
> services, upon request, where there is limited infrastructure.
> A domestic transmission capacity service is a generic service that can
> be used for the carriage of voice, data or other communications using
> wideband or broadband carriage.
> In a 2004 inquiry, the ACCC proposed that geographical routes which have
> at least three optical fibre suppliers either serving these regional
> centres or in very close proximity (within 1km or less from the General
> Post Office (GPO) of a regional centre for a given capital-regional
> route) be exempted from declaration.
> In its application, Telstra has proposed that any optical fibre network
> carrier within a distance from the regional centre, equal to 5 per cent
> of the route distance between the capital city and the regional centre,
> should also be counted as a competitor in the market.
> Telstra's application includes a Market Clarity report, which measured
> distances between infrastructure Points of Presence (POPs) and
> Australian General Post Offices (GPOs) using the open source GIS tool,
> Grass_GIS.
> These distances were then compared to a radial distance (equal to 5 per
> cent of the route distance between the capital city and regional
> centre), in order to find the number of POPs within a 'radius distance'
> from a Post Office.
> Based on this data, there are 20 regional areas around South Australia,
> QLD, Vic and NSW with over providers, including Telstra.
> The ACCC has issued a discussion paper
> <http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/797275> on Telstra's
> exemption application. Written submissions in response to the discussion
> paper are requested by 9 November 2007.
> David Hine
> Land and Water Management PL
> 29 Pacific Pde
> Mission Beach Qld 4852
> Australia
> Tel: (within Australia) 1300 661 633
>       (international) +61 7 4015 3470
> Fax:  +61 7 4088 6146
> Mob: 0429 886 146
> /Supplying tools for better environmental management//
> /www.landandwater.com.au <http://www.landandwater.com.au/>//
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