On Wednesday 24 October 2007, Dr. Manuel Seeger wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm working with terrestrial laser scanning data and have built up a DEM
> of a Gully system with IDW. Now, I would like to know the density of
> points in each cell!
> How can I get this?
> Thanks for hints!
> Manuel

Couple ways to do this.

1. v.kernel ... but this counts up points within a gaussian (?) kernel
2. r.in.xyz method=n on the original data 
3. v.mkgrid + v.select ? 

4. use the grid from above example, import into PostGIS along with points. 
perform intersection and aggregate based on grid cell, counting the number of 
points which are associated with.



Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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