Thomas Adams wrote:

> I have written a GRASS shell script for Linux that works perfectly well 
> except for one thing. Anyone who runs it from their login ID must be 
> able to run the script, which they initiate manually. The MAPSET is 
> generic, called 'oper' � we have an 'oper' Linux login. What happens is 
> that unless I login or 'su' to 'oper', the script fails with:
> ERROR: MAPSET oper � permission denied
> ERROR: MAPSET oper � permission denied
> ERROR: MAPSET oper � permission denied
> .
> .
> .
> etc.
> The process involves (among other things) reading in point data using 
> and spatially interpolating it to a raster.
> I have tried a number of things to set the GRASS permissions to allow 
> universal access to the 'oper' MAPSET as well as trying to export the 
> USER variable, etc. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have a 
> suggestion?

GRASS requires that you own the current mapset. 

If you want to avoid this, you need to remove the check from
G__mapset_permissions() in lib/gis/mapset_msc.c.

Glynn Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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