The Warning indicates that there are no points on the vector
network. See the manual page of how to add them.
Best done with GRASS 6.3 which contains an improved
command to easily add vector nodes to the network.


jaini wrote:
> hi,
> I have an issue while doing a shortest path between two points in grass
> 6.2:
> GRASS 6.2.0 (spearfish60):~ > echo "1 2 4" | in=roads out=road1
> Building graph:
> Registering arcs ...  100%
> Flattening the graph ... done.
> Graph was built.
> WARNING: No point with category 2
> WARNING: No point with category 4
> Attributes:
>   cat  - path unique category assigned by module
>   id   - path id (read from input)
>   fcat - from point category
>   tcat - to point category
>   sp - result status:
>        0 - OK, path found
>        1 - node is not reachable
>        2 - point of given category does not exist
>   cost - travelling costs (on the network, not to/from network)
>   fdist - the distance from first point to the network
>   tdist - the distance from the network to second point
> WARNING: 2 points of given category missing
> Building topology ...
> 0 primitives registered
> 0 areas built
> 0 isles built
> Attaching islands:
> Attaching centroids: Topology was built.
> Number of nodes     :   0
> Number of primitives:   0
> Number of points    :   0
> Number of lines     :   0
> Number of boundaries:   0
> Number of centroids :   0
> Number of areas     :   0
> Number of isles     :   0
> can you help mwe with this,plz
> thanking you,
> Jainita
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