Hello GRASS-users!

Where is the best place to put questions, besides the
#grass irc

Is there a forum?

I am facing some difficulties with getting i.class work
properly, as
well as with the entire look of the gui gis-manager.

Question a.
How can I change the fonts?
I have an external monitor (Dell 1800fp) attached to my
laptop. Whenever
I try to define a region within an monitor (created with
d.mon) the menu
(on the bottom of the d.mon created monitor) does not react
Is it a refresh problem?

Question b.
How can I change the fonts?
I have an external monitor (Dell 1800fp) attached to my
laptop. Whenever
I try to define a region within an monitor (created with
d.mon) the menu
(on the bottom of the d.mon created monitor) does not react
Is it a refresh problem?

Thank you inadvance,


Nikos Alexandris
Department of Remote Sensing & Landscape Information
Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Sciences,
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Tel.  +49 (0) 761 203 3697 / Fax.  +49 (0) 761 203 3701 /
Skype: Nikos.Alexandris
Address: Tennenbacher str. 4, D-79106 Freiburg i. Br.,

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