
This forum covers graylog related things, not logstash. Try to ask people 
from logstash forum - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/logstash-users

My 2 cents about your problem:
Latest logstash uses conditions (if....elseif....else). Check logstash 
documentation for proper syntax.
Also you are using type=>all in mutate block, but there's no such input 
type in your configuration. You have only "gelf" and "syslog".


On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09:12 PM UTC+3, marc veen wrote:
> Configured nxlog to forward events to logstash using GELF and then 
> Logstash should filter the incoming events and strip of the field 
> full_message and then forward it to Graylog2 which has a configured GELF 
> listener. But somehow the fields aren't removed by Logstash? Anyone can 
> give me a quick hint? I'm using the latest version of Logstash.

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