Hi all,

I'd like to start addressing issue #499 
<https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/issues/499>. I've done some 
improvements on my own, but I'd like to work them into something that can 
be merged back upstream.

There are a few issues I'm looking at addressing:

   1. Lack of UI exposure / CRUD operations for Drools file(s)
   2. No auto-reload of rules if Drools file(s) change
   3. Support for only one Drools file

>From my understanding so far, it looks like most of this functionality 
should involve building up the DroolsEngine class. So far, I've taken care 
of #2 by storing rules file strings in a cache and doing a FS read / 
compare / update at some interval. If a rules file has changed, the rules 
are redeployed and the cache is updated.

I'm looking to move onto UI integration today and eventually to multiple 
file support. With the hope of eventually creating a PR for this stuff, I 
thought I'd ask to see if you guys see this as being on the right track. 
I'm not sure if you already have a long-term plan scoped out for Drools or 
the DroolsEngine class. Please let me know if you have any extra details or 
gotchas that might be helpful along the way.

Dylan Hingey

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