Hi Jochen,

> please post the output of *rpm -ql graylog-server* on your system.
I found the problem. I'm using a RHN Satellite Server 5, and it can not
handle different packages with the same NAME-VERSION-RELEASE-EPOCH
Because I activate reposync with RHEL7 as well as RHEL6 it did not sync
the "same" package twice, but put the package into both channels. :-(

To fix this it would be necessary to include a %{?dist} to the Release,
as it is done in all RH and Fedora Packages, as discribed at Naming
Guideline of Fedora [1].

I'm not sure if you can do this, it would be easy if you are building
the EL6 on EL6 and EL7 on EL7 systems.
If not, it would be probable easier to build a package both the init.d
and the systemd files into the same package for EL6 and 7, because EL6
will ignore systemd and EL7 will ignore init.d, if a systemd file with
the same name exists. :-)

Thanks for the fast help.



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