Hi Jochen,

thank you for your help, this is great that you give me the informations!

I set *smallfiles=true* in /etc/mongod.conf and I will watch the disk space 
usage over the next days!

Thank you!

Am Dienstag, 10. November 2015 11:10:28 UTC+1 schrieb Jochen Schalanda:
> Hi Klaus,
> I've heard from some users that their MongoDB server is using lots of 
> space for their journal. You might want to try to set smallfiles=true in 
> the MongoDB configuration file (see 
> https://docs.mongodb.org/v2.4/reference/configuration-options/#smallfiles) 
> to reduce the amount of disk space it requires.
> Cheers,
> Jochen
> On Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11:04:31 UTC+1, kl...@tachtler.net wrote:
>> Hi Werner,
>> I was changed my setup like follwing:
>> My *retention strategy is now time* and the rotation is set to the 
>> default *1d*. 
>>    - 
>>    rotation_strategy = time
>>    - 
>>    elasticsearch_max_time_per_index = 1d
>>    - 
>>    elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 14
>> So I will see, how the disk space are growing up. 
>> BUT, we're talking about disk space usage from Elasticsearch and the 
>> *smaller 
>> usage of MongoDB*, compared to the Ealsticserch.
>> *In my setup it is the other way around!*
>> Here are my actual disk space usage:
>> # du -hs /var/lib/elasticsearch/
>> 15M    /var/lib/elasticsearch/
>> # du -hs /var/lib/mongodb/
>> 850M    /var/lib/mongodb/
>> This is it, what I'm thinking about and what it makes so difficult to 
>> calculate the disk space for an other bigger system.
>> Thank you
>> Klaus.

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