Hi Jochen,

I assume that the search functionality in the web interface uses one of the 
search endpoints (i.e. /search/universal/relative).  Perhaps, the problem 
in my case is that the *search query itself is tokenized using the standard 
analyzer*.  In theory, I assume that it should use the whitespace analyzer 
if I prefix my query with "message:" because this field is configured to 
use the whitespace analyzer.  However, if I attempt to search for the 
following document using the Graylog search API and the search string "
message:*open\(C*", I get no results:


API browser:


I get no results even if I don't include the "message:" prefix, but this 
appears to be the correct Lucene syntax to match the green highlighted 
portion of the document.  If the standard analyzer is being used to 
tokenize the query string in Graylog, is there a way to change that setting?

Here is the relevant extract from Elasticsearch's "Controlling Analysis" 

While we can specify an analyzer at the field level, 
do we determine which analyzer is used for a field if none is specified at 
the field level?

Analyzers can be specified at three levels: per-field, per-index or the 
global default. Elasticsearch works through each level until it finds an 
analyzer that it can use. At index time, the order  
as follows:

   - The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else
   - The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to
   - The standard analyzer

At search time, the  
is slightly different:

   - The analyzer defined in the query itself, else
   - The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else
   - The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to
   - The standard analyzer


On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 12:48:10 PM UTC-4, Dilip Muthukrishnan wrote:
> Thanks, Jochen.  Any idea of when you willl release the build?
> Sincerely,
> Dilip M.
> On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 12:24:19 PM UTC-4, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
>> Hi Dilip,
>> the "field terms" are using the analyze endpoint internally, so they 
>> currently are showing the wrong terms (will be fixed in Graylog 2.0.1).
>> Cheers,
>> Jochen
>> On Tuesday, 10 May 2016 17:52:35 UTC+2, Dilip Muthukrishnan wrote:
>>> Thanks, Jochen.  However, does this bug affect the search through the 
>>> web interface?  Doesn't it use one of the search endpoints instead?  Check 
>>> out the following message and how it has been tokenized.  It appears to be 
>>> using the standard analyzer:
>>> 10.05.2016 11:27:56.769 *ERROR* [Shell Script Executor Thread for 
>>> cpu.sh] com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl session# 204088 opened (103) 
>>> java.lang.Exception: Stack Trace at 
>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl$Tracker.open(CRXSessionImpl.java:212) at 
>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl$Tracker.<init>(CRXSessionImpl.java:205) at 
>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl.<init>(CRXSessionImpl.java:179) at 
>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXRepositoryImpl.createSessionInstance(CRXRepositoryImpl.java:911)
>>> at 
>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryImpl.createSession(RepositoryImpl.java:959)
>>> at 
>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionFactory.createAdminSession(SessionFactory.java:42)
>>> at 
>>> com.day.crx.sling.server.impl.SlingRepositoryWrapper.loginAdministrative(SlingRepositoryWrapper.java:76)
>>> at 
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ShellScriptExecutorImpl.extractScript(ShellScriptExecutorImpl.java:161)
>>> at 
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ShellScriptExecutorImpl.execute(ShellScriptExecutorImpl.java:114)
>>> at 
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptMBean.invoke(ScriptMBean.java:99) 
>>> at 
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptMBean.invoke(ScriptMBean.java:158) 
>>> at 
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptConfigImpl$ExecutionThread.run(ScriptConfigImpl.java:208)
>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) 
>>> ×Field terms: 10.05.2016112756.769errorshellscriptexecutorthreadfor
>>> cpu.shcom.day.crx.core.crxsessionimplsession204088opened103
>>> java.lang.exceptionstacktraceattracker.opencrxsessionimpl.java212tracker
>>> init205179com.day.crx.core.crxrepositoryimpl.createsessioninstance
>>> crxrepositoryimpl.java911
>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.repositoryimpl.createsession
>>> repositoryimpl.java959
>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.sessionfactory.createadminsession
>>> sessionfactory.java42
>>> com.day.crx.sling.server.impl.slingrepositorywrapper.loginadministrative
>>> slingrepositorywrapper.java76
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.shellscriptexecutorimpl.extractscript
>>> shellscriptexecutorimpl.java161
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.shellscriptexecutorimpl.execute114
>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.scriptmbean.invokescriptmbean.java99
>>> 158com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.scriptconfigimplexecutionthread.run
>>> scriptconfigimpl.java208java.lang.thread.runthread.java662
>>> I'm trying to understand how the search works.  For example, when I 
>>> search for "CRXSessionImpl$Tracker", I get a bunch of hits which includes 
>>> the above message but nothing is highlighted (highlighting is turned on) so 
>>> I don't know what it actually found.  However, if I search for 
>>> "CRXSessionImpl#Tracker" it also returns this result even though there is 
>>> no such string in the message!  Now, if I search for "*open\(" which is 
>>> supposed to match "open(", I get nothing.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 5:59:36 AM UTC-4, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
>>>> Hi Dilip,
>>>> thanks for all the information you've provided! This was a bug in 
>>>> Graylog's analyze endpoint which will be fixed in Graylog 2.0.1 (see 
>>>> https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server/pull/2209).
>>>> $ curl '
>>>> http://localhost:12900/messages/graylog2_73/analyze?string=This%20is%20a%20%24test%3A%5Bto.see.if%20graylog()%20work%24%5D.&pretty=true
>>>> '
>>>> {
>>>>   "tokens" : [ "This", "is", "a", "$test:[to.see.if", "graylog()", 
>>>> "work$]." ]
>>>> }
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jochen
>>>> On Monday, 9 May 2016 15:51:12 UTC+2, Dilip Muthukrishnan wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jochen,
>>>>> localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v reveals that graylog2_3 is the only 
>>>>> index in my Elasticsearch cluster:
>>>>> health status index      pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size 
>>>>> pri.store.size 
>>>>> green  open   graylog2_3   4   0     180443            0    139.3mb       
>>>>>  139.3mb 
>>>>> localhost:9200/_template/ reveals that the graylog-internal template 
>>>>> which I included in my previous message is the only template in the 
>>>>> cluster.
>>>>> I should mention that when I try to tokenize the following string in 
>>>>> Elasticsearch with the index as well as the "message" field specified in 
>>>>> the URL, it works as it should, since the message field uses the 
>>>>> whitespace analyzer:
>>>>> curl 'localhost:9200/graylog2_3/_analyze?field=message&pretty=true' -d 
>>>>> 'This is a $test:[to.see.if graylog() work$.'
>>>>> "tokens" : [ {
>>>>>     "token" : "This",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 0,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 4,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 1
>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>     "token" : "is",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 5,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 7,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 2
>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>     "token" : "a",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 8,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 9,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 3
>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>     "token" : "$test:[to.see.if",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 10,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 26,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 4
>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>     "token" : "graylog()",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 27,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 36,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 5
>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>     "token" : "work$.",
>>>>>     "start_offset" : 37,
>>>>>     "end_offset" : 43,
>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>     "position" : 6
>>>>>   } ]
>>>>> }
>>>>> This tells me that ES is using the whitespace analyzer correctly.  
>>>>> However, the Graylog API browser is giving me a different result:
>>>>> http://localhost:12900/messages/graylog2_3/analyze?string=This%20is%20a%20%24test%3A%5Bto.see.if%20graylog()%20work%24%5D.&pretty=true
>>>>> <http://vtor-lx-tomcat-d01:12900/messages/graylog2_3/analyze?string=This%20is%20a%20%24test%3A%5Bto.see.if%20graylog()%20work%24%5D.&pretty=true>
>>>>> {
>>>>>   "tokens" : [ "this", "is", "a", "test", "to.see.if", "graylog", "work" ]
>>>>> }
>>>>> Is this the result that I should be seeing?  Is there anything else 
>>>>> that I can test in order to help me troubleshoot this further?  Thanks.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 8:49:41 AM UTC-4, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dilip,
>>>>>> are there any other conflicting index templates/mappings in your 
>>>>>> Elasticsearch cluster?
>>>>>> Other than that, the index mapping for graylog2_3 is looking fine 
>>>>>> and ES should use the whitespace analyzer for messages indexed into this 
>>>>>> index.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Jochen
>>>>>> On Friday, 6 May 2016 22:01:42 UTC+2, Dilip Muthukrishnan wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jochen,
>>>>>>> I'm still stuck on this one.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> Dilip M.
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 9:32:37 AM UTC-4, Dilip Muthukrishnan 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jochen,
>>>>>>>> Here's what my "graylog-internal" template currently looks like (as 
>>>>>>>> seen via the Elasticsearch API):
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>   "graylog-internal" : {
>>>>>>>>     "order" : 0,
>>>>>>>>     "template" : "graylog2_*",
>>>>>>>>     "settings" : { },
>>>>>>>>     "mappings" : {
>>>>>>>>       "message" : {
>>>>>>>>         "_source" : {
>>>>>>>>           "compress" : true,
>>>>>>>>           "enabled" : true
>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>         "dynamic_templates" : [ {
>>>>>>>>           "internal_fields" : {
>>>>>>>>             "mapping" : {
>>>>>>>>               "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>               "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>             "match" : "gl2_*"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         }, {
>>>>>>>>           "store_generic" : {
>>>>>>>>             "mapping" : {
>>>>>>>>               "index" : "not_analyzed"
>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>             "match" : "*"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         } ],
>>>>>>>>         "_ttl" : {
>>>>>>>>           "enabled" : true
>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>         "properties" : {
>>>>>>>>           "message" : {
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "whitespace",
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "timestamp" : {
>>>>>>>>             "format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true,
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "date"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "source" : {
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "analyzer_keyword",
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "full_message" : {
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "whitespace",
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>     "aliases" : { }
>>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> Here's what my graylog2_3 index currently looks like (as seen via 
>>>>>>>> the Elasticsearch API):
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>   "graylog2_3" : {
>>>>>>>>     "aliases" : {
>>>>>>>>       "graylog2_deflector" : { }
>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>     "mappings" : {
>>>>>>>>       "message" : {
>>>>>>>>         "dynamic_templates" : [ {
>>>>>>>>           "internal_fields" : {
>>>>>>>>             "mapping" : {
>>>>>>>>               "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>               "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>             "match" : "gl2_*"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         }, {
>>>>>>>>           "store_generic" : {
>>>>>>>>             "mapping" : {
>>>>>>>>               "index" : "not_analyzed"
>>>>>>>>             },
>>>>>>>>             "match" : "*"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         } ],
>>>>>>>>         "_ttl" : {
>>>>>>>>           "enabled" : true
>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>         "_source" : {
>>>>>>>>           "compress" : true
>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>         "properties" : {
>>>>>>>>           "full_message" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "whitespace"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_remote_ip" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_remote_port" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "long",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_source_collector" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_source_collector_input" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_source_input" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "gl2_source_node" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "level" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "message" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "whitespace"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "source" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "analyzer_keyword"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "source_file" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "timestamp" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "date",
>>>>>>>>             "doc_values" : true,
>>>>>>>>             "format" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>           "version" : {
>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>             "index" : "not_analyzed"
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>     "settings" : {
>>>>>>>>       "index" : {
>>>>>>>>         "creation_date" : "1462197971182",
>>>>>>>>         "uuid" : "ylBuS8y3SBKRYMyLuMWApg",
>>>>>>>>         "analysis" : {
>>>>>>>>           "analyzer" : {
>>>>>>>>             "analyzer_keyword" : {
>>>>>>>>               "filter" : "lowercase",
>>>>>>>>               "tokenizer" : "keyword"
>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>         "number_of_replicas" : "0",
>>>>>>>>         "number_of_shards" : "4",
>>>>>>>>         "version" : {
>>>>>>>>           "created" : "1070399"
>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>     "warmers" : { }
>>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> After cycling the deflector so that it points to the new index, 
>>>>>>>> graylog2_3, I proceeded to delete my old indices.
>>>>>>>> Using the Graylog API browser, I tried to tokenize a random string 
>>>>>>>> (This 
>>>>>>>> is a $test:[to.see.if graylog() work$.):
>>>>>>>> http://vtor-lx-tomcat-d01:12900/messages/graylog2_3/analyze?string=This%20is%20a%20%24test%3A%5Bto.see.if%20graylog()%20work%24%5D.&pretty=true
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>   "tokens" : [ "this", "is", "a", "test", "to.see.if", "graylog", 
>>>>>>>> "work" ]
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> This makes sense because if I attempt to tokenize the same string 
>>>>>>>> via Elasticsearch (using the same index), I get the same result:
>>>>>>>> curl 'vtor-lx-tomcat-d01:9200/graylog2_3/_analyze?pretty=true' -d 
>>>>>>>> 'This is a $test:[to.see.if graylog() work$.'
>>>>>>>> "tokens" : [ {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "this",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 0,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 4,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 1
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "is",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 5,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 7,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 2
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "a",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 8,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 9,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 3
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "test",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 11,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 15,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 4
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "to.see.if",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 17,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 26,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 5
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "graylog",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 27,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 34,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 6
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "work",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 37,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 41,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 7
>>>>>>>>   } ]
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> However, without specifying the index in Elasticsearch, I get the 
>>>>>>>> result that I am looking for:
>>>>>>>> curl 
>>>>>>>> 'vtor-lx-tomcat-d01:9200/_analyze?analyzer=whitespace&pretty=true' -d 
>>>>>>>> 'This 
>>>>>>>> is a $test:[to.see.if graylog() work$.'
>>>>>>>> "tokens" : [ {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "This",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 0,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 4,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 1
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "is",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 5,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 7,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 2
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "a",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 8,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 9,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 3
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "$test:[to.see.if",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 10,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 26,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 4
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "graylog()",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 27,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 36,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 5
>>>>>>>>   }, {
>>>>>>>>     "token" : "work$.",
>>>>>>>>     "start_offset" : 37,
>>>>>>>>     "end_offset" : 43,
>>>>>>>>     "type" : "word",
>>>>>>>>     "position" : 6
>>>>>>>>   } ]
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> I feel like I am really close to an answer here.  It appears that 
>>>>>>>> there is something wrong with my index mapping/settings.
>>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 3:51:49 AM UTC-4, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Dilip,
>>>>>>>>> are you 100% sure that the message is in a new index, that the 
>>>>>>>>> index template/mapping was properly applied (see 
>>>>>>>>> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.7/indices-get-mapping.html),
>>>>>>>>> and that it is the "message" field you were looking for (and not 
>>>>>>>>> "full_message" or another field)?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Jochen
>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 2 May 2016 18:57:40 UTC+2, Dilip Muthukrishnan wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jochen,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.  I'm using graylog-1.3.4 (server).  I 
>>>>>>>>>> removed and added an updated version of the "graylog-internal" 
>>>>>>>>>> template and 
>>>>>>>>>> then cycled the deflector through the web interface.  The new index 
>>>>>>>>>> mapping 
>>>>>>>>>> reflects the changes:
>>>>>>>>>> "message" : {
>>>>>>>>>>    "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>>>    "analyzer" : "whitespace"
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> However, it doesn't appear to be reflected in the search.  This 
>>>>>>>>>> message is from the latest index but based on this tokenization, it 
>>>>>>>>>> appears 
>>>>>>>>>> to still be using the old "standard analyzer":
>>>>>>>>>> 02.05.2016 12:47:33.488 *ERROR* [Shell Script Executor Thread for 
>>>>>>>>>> cpu.sh] com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl session# 144563 opened (103) 
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.Exception: Stack Trace at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl$Tracker.open(CRXSessionImpl.java:212)
>>>>>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl$Tracker.<init>(CRXSessionImpl.java:205)
>>>>>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXSessionImpl.<init>(CRXSessionImpl.java:179) at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.core.CRXRepositoryImpl.createSessionInstance(CRXRepositoryImpl.java:911)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.RepositoryImpl.createSession(RepositoryImpl.java:959)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionFactory.createAdminSession(SessionFactory.java:42)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.sling.server.impl.SlingRepositoryWrapper.loginAdministrative(SlingRepositoryWrapper.java:76)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ShellScriptExecutorImpl.extractScript(ShellScriptExecutorImpl.java:161)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ShellScriptExecutorImpl.execute(ShellScriptExecutorImpl.java:114)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptMBean.invoke(ScriptMBean.java:99)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptMBean.invoke(ScriptMBean.java:158)
>>>>>>>>>> at 
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.ScriptConfigImpl$ExecutionThread.run(ScriptConfigImpl.java:208)
>>>>>>>>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
>>>>>>>>>> Field terms: 02.05.2016124733.488errorshellscriptexecutorthread
>>>>>>>>>> forcpu.shcom.day.crx.core.crxsessionimplsession144563opened103
>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.exceptionstacktraceattracker.opencrxsessionimpl.java212
>>>>>>>>>> trackerinit205179
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.core.crxrepositoryimpl.createsessioninstance
>>>>>>>>>> crxrepositoryimpl.java911
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.repositoryimpl.createsession
>>>>>>>>>> repositoryimpl.java959
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.jackrabbit.core.sessionfactory.createadminsession
>>>>>>>>>> sessionfactory.java42
>>>>>>>>>> com.day.crx.sling.server.impl.slingrepositorywrapper.loginadministrative
>>>>>>>>>> slingrepositorywrapper.java76
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.shellscriptexecutorimpl.extractscript
>>>>>>>>>> shellscriptexecutorimpl.java161
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.shellscriptexecutorimpl.execute
>>>>>>>>>> 114com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.scriptmbean.invoke
>>>>>>>>>> scriptmbean.java99158
>>>>>>>>>> com.adobe.granite.monitoring.impl.scriptconfigimpl
>>>>>>>>>> executionthread.runscriptconfigimpl.java208java.lang.thread.run
>>>>>>>>>> thread.java662
>>>>>>>>>> As you can see, it has been stripped of various characters like 
>>>>>>>>>> colons and parentheses.
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, May 2, 2016 at 12:36:38 PM UTC-4, Jochen Schalanda 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dilip,
>>>>>>>>>>> the index mapping of Graylog is applied by the means of an index 
>>>>>>>>>>> template. In Graylog 2.0.0, the index template will automatically 
>>>>>>>>>>> be 
>>>>>>>>>>> updated but in older versions you'll have to remove the index 
>>>>>>>>>>> template 
>>>>>>>>>>> yourself for it to be recreated by Graylog.
>>>>>>>>>>> See 
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.7/indices-templates.html
>>>>>>>>>>> for details.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jochen
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, 28 April 2016 21:42:23 UTC+2, Dilip Muthukrishnan 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to change the analyzer from "standard" to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "whitespace".  I've set the following property in my Graylog 
>>>>>>>>>>>> server 
>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration:
>>>>>>>>>>>> elasticsearch_analyzer = whitespace
>>>>>>>>>>>> It states that my change will be applied to new indices so I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> manually cycled the deflector so that it is now pointing to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> graylog2_1 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (previously graylog2_0).  However, the new index still uses the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "standard" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> analyzer based on the mapping in Elasticsearch:
>>>>>>>>>>>> "message" : {
>>>>>>>>>>>>             "type" : "string",
>>>>>>>>>>>>             "analyzer" : "standard"
>>>>>>>>>>>>           },
>>>>>>>>>>>> How do I change the analyzer?

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