i have the same problem on centos 7. When the side car starts it fails to 
generate the nxlog.conf in /etc/graylog/collector-sidecar/generated/nxlog.

#graylog-collector-sidecar -c 
INFO[0000] Using collector-id: 324daf8a-4b30-4dfd-991e-26bd0ac26f5a 
INFO[0000] Fetching configurations tagged by: [linux]   
INFO[0000] Starting collector supervisor                
INFO[0000] [nxlog] Starting                             
ERRO[0000] [nxlog] Collector exits immediately, this should not happen! 
Please check your collector configuration! 

Le jeudi 19 mai 2016 17:32:20 UTC+2, Michael Taylor a écrit :
> Are you thinking of nxlog.conf?
> nxlog.exe comes from installing nxlog separately. The sidecar creates 
> nxlog.conf and runs the nxlog service using it.
> On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 9:20:06 AM UTC-4, rvb n wrote:
>> installing graylog collector sidecar in windows 10 64bit not working 
>> nxlog.exe not create in generted folder

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