- We run it on t2.medium. (4GB RAM, 2 cores)
- About 1 incoming message per second.
- tried 2.0.0 and now running 2.0.1

Anyone use Image in real world application? Graylog 2.0 image fails after 
few days. Is this Image problem or Graylog in general?

It runs fine for about a week. After that there's errors and search stop 
working. Search requests timeout.
There's many errors and they are very cryptic, google search does not give 
any solutions how to manage them:

*1. After about a week we have error "Uncommited messages deleted from 

> Uncommited messages deleted from journal (triggered 9 days ago)
> Some messages were deleted from the Graylog journal before they could be 
> written to Elasticsearch. Please verify that your Elasticsearch cluster is 
> healthy and fast enough. You may also want to review your Graylog journal 
> settings and set a higher limit. (Node: f12...

What to do about this? What is "journal"? Google search produce no answers.

*2. After about 4 days of clean install it always trigger "Cluster 

>  "Elasticsearch cluster unhealthy (RED)"
> "The Elasticsearch cluster state is RED which means shards are unassigned. 
> This usually indicates a crashed and corrupt cluster and needs to be 
> investigated. Graylog will write into the local disk journal. Read how to 
> fix this in the Elasticsearch setup documentation."

When you go to that documentation link it says "The red status indicates 
that some or all of the primary shards are not available. In this state, no 
searches can be performed until all primary shards are restored."
That's it. what are you supposed to do?
After long search finally found one solution: this was cured once with *curl 
-XPUT 'localhost:9200/_settings' -d '{ "index" : {       
 "number_of_replicas" : 0}}'*
Next time it happened, we tried the solution again, but response was 
So what now???

*3. Every time we perform graylog-ctl restart four more unassigled shards 
 Elasticsearch cluster is yellow. Shards: 20 active, 0 initializing, 0
 relocating, 8 unassigned
graylog-ctl restart
 Elasticsearch cluster is yellow. Shards: 20 active, 0 initializing, 0
 relocating, 12 unassigned

*4. Journal utilization is too high without any hint on how to set it to 

>  Journal utilization is too high (triggered 11 days ago)
> Journal utilization is too high and may go over the limit soon. Please 
> verify that your Elasticsearch cluster is healthy and fast enough. You may 
> also want to review your Graylog journal settings and set a higher limit. 
> (Node: f121

What is this "journal"? and how to set it to "higher"?

Please help!

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