Hi Roberto,

If you have performance issues with the processing, then you have two

Have a look into your server.conf settings.
There are several options to possibly speed up the output performance
output_batch_size defaults to 25? If you have thousands of messages in the
incoming then the batches are too small
outputbuffer_processors .. if you have plenty of idle cpu power raise the

If you still have problems with the output buffer filling up you should
have a look at tuning your es cluster for more indexing speed.

Then there is the obvious option, do you have enough RAM in your server?
Have you raised Xms and Xmx settings for the jvm graylog-server is running
in? On RHEL based distributions this can be found in

For example, I have set them to 24G for my setup, be aware of the java
compressed pointers and thus you should not raise above 31G.


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