I just installed Graylog + Mongo DB + Elastic Search on a Cent OS VM, 
following the Graylog official documentation.  Working great.

However, when the time comes that it isn't feasible to add additional CPU 
and RAM to the VM and I need to add another Elastic Search Node, what is 
the procedure for doing that to an existing "cluster" (even if that 
existing cluster is a single VM).

I think it would be something along these lines:

Create VM, install Elastic Search
Edit the Elastic Search config so it has the same cluster name as the 
existing nodes
Enable the following options:

elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = false
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts =

Start the new service
Restart the existing Graylog + Elastic Search services.

Am I missing anything?


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