Just upgraded to graylog-2.1.0-rc.1 using graylog-2.1.0-rc.1.tgz 

Web Interface does not come up on http://<ip_address>:9000
however API endpoint http://<ip_address:9000/api responds with

"tagline":"Manage your logs in the dark and have lasers going and make it 
look like you're from space!"}

Looking at browser developer options, I see that config.js is not found 
and same goes for assets\vendor.js (404) and other scripts it tries to load 
from assets

The previous version ( Graylog 2.0.2) is not having any such issues, and is 
loading vendor.js and other js-es from the root and not from assets
Not sure if this is a bug or a mis-configuration on our part, but the 
config is quite vanila with only *significant *change from the example is:
rest_listen_uri =

Graylog log doesn't show any errors

Any idea what it might be.
I'll turn off some of the plugins that were enabled in 2.0.2 and see if any 
of those makes a difference.
Anything persistent in MongDB that could cause this?


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