Hi Ajay,

make sure that you only have exactly 1 stream with the name of your device 
(e. g. "1244-5124").

Unfortunately, the stream names don't have to be unique but the 
route_to_stream expects to only find 1 stream matching the name.


On Thursday, 8 September 2016 10:23:06 UTC+2, Ajay Kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to automate the stream routing by getting stream name from one 
> of the message field.
> message:
> date=2016-08-09 time=20:20:20 devid=1244-5124 logid=123 logmsg="test"
> My pipeline rule:
> rule "pipelinerule1"
> when
>     has_field("logid")
> then
>     set_field("alert", "yes");
>     let ruleroute = to_string($message.devid);
>     set_field("ruleroute", ruleroute);
>     route_to_stream(name: ruleroute);
> end
> Error message:
> gl2_processing_error
> For rule 'pipelinerule1': In call to function 'route_to_stream' at 8:4 an 
> exception was thrown: Multiple entries with same key: 
> string=57cfba54ad0b4b09fe3fde0f: "string" and 
> string=57cfba51ad0b4b09fe3fde09: "string". To index multiple values under a 
> key, use Multimaps.index.
> I can see "ruleroute" as a field in message with value captured from 
> devid. 
> Please help me here.
> Regards,
> Jay

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