Just for a Update

I made a test with the graylog server changing the timezone from Linux 
(graylog was always restarted when I changed linux timezone)

2017-01-04 17:41:56.000 - The graylogserver was in BRT Timezone

After that time 2017-01-04 17:41:56.000  I stoped graylog server changed 
the timezone to UTC and the graylog stoped to recivied the messages from 
this timezone BRT client ( I made tests with logger too), but start to 
recivied messages from the others clients with UTC timezone.

I waited to change again because I hoped the messages will take at least 
03:00 hours to "show" on graylog console, but nothing happaned.

So today I changed again to BRT  and after that I started to recive 
messages as you see on 2017-01-05 08:17:58.000

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