Hi there,

over the holidays our graylog server crashed due to a full hdd. I've set 
indices by size and count, but for some reason that hasn't worked as 
However graylog services were stopped over holidays and now I have trouble 
to recover it.
I removed indices via -XDELETE to get free space.
I tried to repair the mongodb graylog and local. But settings are lost. I 
only have a backup from October with Graylog Release 1.3. Unfortunately, 
even if I know it better, I didn't created a backup before I made the 
So that would be my recovery plan. But I've made many changes to the 
Dashboards and would prefer to recover it.

Any help would be appreciated to get my config back and running.


ubuntu@graylogserver:~$ sudo ls /var/opt/graylog/data/mongodb -lah
total 161M
drwxr-x--- 6 graylog graylog 4.0K Jan  9 09:23 .
drwxr-x--- 7 graylog graylog 4.0K Oct 28 14:17 ..
drwx------ 2 graylog graylog 4.0K Dec 26 04:05 diagnostic.data
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root    4.0K Jan  9 09:17 graylog
-rw------- 1 root    root     64M Jan  9 09:21 graylog.0
-rw------- 1 root    root     16M Jan  9 09:21 graylog.ns
drwx------ 2 graylog graylog 4.0K Jan  9 09:23 journal
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root    4.0K Jan  9 09:17 local
-rw------- 1 root    root     64M Jan  9 09:21 local.0
-rw------- 1 root    root     16M Jan  9 09:21 local.ns
-rwx------ 1 graylog graylog    5 Jan  9 09:23 mongod.lock
-rw------- 1 graylog graylog   69 Sep 17  2015 storage.bson

ubuntu@graylogserver:~$ sudo graylog-ctl status
run: elasticsearch: (pid 6191) 13s; run: log: (pid 856) 2029s
run: etcd: (pid 6219) 13s; run: log: (pid 855) 2029s
run: graylog-server: (pid 6228) 13s; run: log: (pid 859) 2029s
down: mongodb: 1s, normally up, want up; run: log: (pid 857) 2029s
run: nginx: (pid 6275) 7s; run: log: (pid 858) 2029s

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