I'm realizing now the mongo instance being wiped was part of a massive 
attack that happened a few days ago. This has been an eye-opening 
experience...lesson learned :(

Thank you for your help Jochen...

On Monday, January 9, 2017 at 1:26:07 PM UTC-5, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
> Hi,
> after seeing the IP address of your server in the first email (which by 
> the way was sent out to all subscribers of this Google Group), it looks 
> like you have (well, had) an unsecured MongoDB instance running which has 
> been wiped by a third party.
> $ mongo "${YOUR_IP_ADDRESS}:27017"
> MongoDB shell version v3.4.0
> connecting to: mongodb://${YOUR_IP_ADDRESS}:27017
> MongoDB server version: 3.2.5
> WARNING: shell and server versions do not match
> Server has startup warnings:
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.708-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.708-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: 
> Insecure configuration, access control is not enabled and no --bind_ip has 
> been specified.
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.708-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read 
> and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted,
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.708-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          and 
> the server listens on all available network interfaces.
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.708-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You 
> are running on a NUMA machine.
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          We 
> suggest launching mongod like this to avoid performance problems:
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **             
>  numactl --interleave=all mongod [other options]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: 
> /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled is 'always'.
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We 
> suggest setting it to 'never'
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: 
> /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We 
> suggest setting it to 'never'
> 2017-01-06T17:52:44.709-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> > show dbs
> graylog      0.000GB
> switched to db PLEASE_READ
> > db.PLEASE_READ.find()
> { "_id" : ObjectId("58727dfa0c474c16c83c29a1"), "Info" : "Your DB is 
> Backed up at our servers, to restore send 0.1 BTC to the Bitcoin Address 
> then send an email with your server ip", "Bitcoin Address" : "xxx", "Email" 
> : "x...@example.com <javascript:>" }
> > use graylog
> switched to db graylog
> > show collections
> nodes
> notifications
> pipeline_processor_pipelines
> sessions
> users
> >
> bye
> I'm afraid your only chance is to restore a backup of the configuration, 
> which you hopefully have, and secure the MongoDB database properly.
> Please read 
> https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/mongodb-apocalypse-is-here-as-ransom-attacks-hit-10-000-servers/
> and 
> https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/how-to-avoid-a-malicious-attack-that-ransoms-your-data
> to understand the issue at hand.
> Cheers,
> Jochen
> On Monday, 9 January 2017 19:15:17 UTC+1, Jochen Schalanda wrote:
>> Hi Wells,
>> what's the content of the cluster_config collection in MongoDB and 
>> specifically the document with "type" == 
>> "org.graylog2.indexer.management.IndexManagementConfig"?
>> Example:
>> $ mongo graylog
>> MongoDB shell version v3.4.0
>> connecting to: mongodb://
>> MongoDB server version: 3.4.0
>> > db.cluster_config.find({"type": 
>> "org.graylog2.indexer.management.IndexManagementConfig"}).pretty()
>> {
>> "_id" : ObjectId("566ff2a6d792d5a5bf0b3860"),
>> "type" : "org.graylog2.indexer.management.IndexManagementConfig",
>> "payload" : {
>> "rotation_strategy" : 
>> "org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.TimeBasedRotationStrategy",
>> "retention_strategy" : 
>> "org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategy"
>> },
>> "last_updated" : "2016-02-16T13:30:39.325Z",
>> "last_updated_by" : "cd03ee44-b2a7-4824-be16-bb7456149dbd"
>> }
>> Also check the documents with "type" == $rotation_strategy 
>> ("org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.TimeBasedRotationStrategy" in 
>> this example) and $retention_strategy 
>> ("org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategy" in 
>> this example).
>> Cheers,
>> Jochen
>> On Monday, 9 January 2017 19:05:18 UTC+1, we...@littlstar.com wrote:
>>> My graylog instance gave an error message suddenly a few days ago:
>>> No index management configuration found, not running index rotation! 
>>> Please fix your index rotation configuration!
>>> Going to the system/indices page on the web ui, this error appeared 
>>> twice:
>>> Could not retrieve retention config
>>> Fetching retention config failed: Error: cannot GET http://<server ip 
>>> address>:9000/api/system/indices/retention/config 
>>> <> (500)
>>> When I tried to check/update the index rotation strategy with the 
>>> "update configuration" button, it just left me with spinners, never loading 
>>> any config. I then tried to find index rotation config files on the server:
>>>    - /system/indices/rotation/config
>>>    - /system/indices/retention/config
>>> But neither of those paths exist. I seem to have lost all inputs, 
>>> streams, dashboards etc. What happened here? What can I do?
>>> I am using graylog version 2.1, using the AWS VM setup with two nodes.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Best,
>>> Wells

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