Free Binayak Sen Film Festival

14 May 2008 will mark one year of imprisonment for Dr Binayak Sen, the
well-known public health and civil rights activist, arrested on false
charges of 'assisting' the Maoist insurgency in Chattisgarh.

In a nation where increasingly the medical profession is becoming
synonymous with unbridled commercial greed Dr Sen dedicated his entire
professional life to the free service of people in the remotest

In a country, which has health indicators worse than that of
sub-Saharan Africa, Dr Sen passionately worked for setting up low cost
models of healthcare accessible to the poor.

And in a land where the problems of public health are deeply
intertwined with the gross violations of the Indian Constitution by
state agencies themselves Dr Sen fought for ensuring democratic rights
of ordinary people.

Dr Sen's detention as a 'threat to national security' stands therefore
as a challenge to every Indian who aspires for a humane, democratic
and civilized India.

To mark the first anniversary of the arrest of Dr Sen, on 14 May 2008
and to call for his immediate release the Free Binayak Sen Film
Festival is being organised by concerned citizens and groups around
the country. The package of 10 documentaries, presented in this
Festival, highlight the issues of human rights and public health and
deal with themes ranging from nutrition, greed of drug companies,
environmental pollution and state atrocities.

They are meant to make all those who watch them wake up and more
importantly resist the Silent Emergency that is creeping upon us in
front of our very eyes.

Given along with this letter is a list of the 10 films along with a
brief synopsis. All groups interested in receiving the package of
films for organizing the Free Binayak Sen Film Festival in their areas
of work are requested to send the name of their organization, postal
address and tentative date of screening to - Wilfred Dcosta, INSAF,
New Delhi, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph:011-26517814/ 65663958 . The package is
meant to be screened mostly in the month of May, particularly around
14 May, the first anniversary of Dr Sen's arrest.

For further information contact:

        * K.P.Sasi, Bangalore kpsasi36 at Ph: 09945282056
        * Sarat Chandran, Eranakulam sarat at Ph: 09446426433
        * Satya Sivaraman , New Delhi satyasagar at ph: 09818514952
        * Anivar Aravind, Bangalore anivar at Ph:
        * V.Srinivasan, Chennai srini59 at Ph: 09840081114

For Details of the package checkout

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