Dear friends

Please flood the ministers inbox with this appeal drafted below. Its high
time we do it.


Dear Sir/ Madam

The lives and livelihoods of over 20,000 Dalits, Adivasis and others,
peacefully protesting for land at the Harrison Malayam Private Ltd
plantation in Chengara, Pathanthimthatta are in danger. A group of trade
unions claiming to represent the plantation's retrenched rubber workers have
announced plans to march and reclaim the land from the peaceful protesters
on Wednesday, September 3rd.

The trade unions, including CITU, INTUC, AITUC, UTUC, HMS and others, in
collusion with company goons, have already succeeded in manufacturing a
human rights crisis in the area.  Together, they have been blocking food,
medicines and other essential materials from entering the plantation for the
past one month, terrorizing the peaceful protesters and their children.
 Women have been the targets of brutal attacks by the workers of the trade
unions and other hired henchmen of Harrison Malayalam Ltd.

Many women have testified that the attacks happened in the presence of the
police, who remained mute spectators and whose inaction encouraged the
perpetuators further. The police have also colluded in preventing civil
society groups from entering the site.

The proposed March could potentially deteriorate the law and order situation
in the already fragile areas of Chengara further. In the light of past
actions, which were used as a cover up to inflict physical harm and to
denigrate the dignity of the protesting Dalits and Adivasis, we urge you to
take immediate actions to thwart attempts of a March on September 3rd.

We strongly feel that government can no longer sit idly and allow the rights
and lives of marginalized peoples' to be violated in this manner. Under no
circumstances should union activists and company goons be allowed to march
on the plantation this Wednesday.

We demand:

1.  Immediately intervene to stop the September 3rd planned assault on the
peaceful protesters by trade unions and company goons.

2.  Take immediate action against those responsible for the blockade,
ensuring the immediate lifting of the blockade, and restore normalcy to
people's lives.

3.  Immediately initiate criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of
the sexual assault of the four women at the struggle site on August 7th

4. Enter into a dialogue with the protestors and take measures to distribute
land to the landless.

"There are more ideas on earth than intellectuals imagine. And these ideas
are more active, stronger, more resistant, more passionate than
''politicians'' think. We have to be there at the birth of ideas, the
bursting outward of their force: not in books expressing them, but in events
manifesting this force, in struggles carried on around ideas, for or against
them. Ideas do not rule the world. But it is because the world has ideas...
that it is not passively ruled by those who are its leaders or those who
would like to teach it, once and for all, what it must think" - Foucault


Anil Tharayath Varghese
National Centre for Advocacy Studies
Serenity Complex, Ramnagar Colony
Pashan, Pune 21
Phone - 02022952003/4
Mobile - 09890387877

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