Dyed-in-the-wool secularist! :-)) What does it really mean? Maybe they want
to say 'dye-hard' secularist.


On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:16 PM, Shahina KK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello friends,
> See the forwarded message and some reactions to it.
> During the course of the terror episode,My worst fear was of being embraced
> by these knight riders of religion !
> Any way,now I feel much more relieved to know that I  still remain a
> 'secularist foe' to them.
> (Even though I have a different take on the complexities of secularism)
> Shahina
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Prathiba Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: KK Shahina on our Mainstream NewsMedias
> kaleem koya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: reny george <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Shahina Nafeesa <
> Mr. Kaleem Koya,
> What you want to say? What you meant by dyed-in-the wool secularists?
> Which category you belongs to....
> Prathiba
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Sudeep K S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Prathiba Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; reny george <
> Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 11:27:11 PM
> Subject: Re: KK Shahina on our Mainstream NewsMedias
> Dear Kaleem Koya,
> I did not understand your comment
> "See how even thick skinned secularists are forced to write the truth."
> Do you think Shahina or anyone else would/should stop writing/speaking
> truth just because they become secular? And who are "supposed to"
> write truth? Or, who have the "right" to speak truth? Islamists?
> Or you can not digest the fact that Shahina continues to speak truth
> even if she is a non-believer, and it would involve the risk of
> appearing to be supporting those Islamists who only cursed her all
> along?
> Many "secularists" with Hindu names have also been speaking up for
> those Muslims who are victimized every time there is a blast in this
> country. You think they have no right to as well? Or you find that
> also difficult to digest?
> If you have not seen what happened in follow-up to this story by
> Shahina, check this out:
> "Your religion follows you"
> http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?sectionName=HomePage&id=058115bf-d511-4308-9738-fb8c6e88843c&&Headline=%e2%80%98Your+religion+follows+you%e2%80%99
> I am copying this mail to Shahina.
> Regards
> Sudeep
> (Shahina, this mail came forwarded in Grey Youth movement mailing list).
> On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:12 PM, reny george <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: kaleem koya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Oct 5, 2008 7:48 AM
> > Subject: Fwd: [IHRO] KK Shahina on our Mainstream NewsMedias
> > To: abdul gafoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, kaleem koya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Remiz Muhammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, reny george
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, C Dawood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dr Abdul Salam
> > perinthalmanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dr shakeel
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >, J S Bandukwala <
> >
> > See how even thick skinned secularists are forced to write the
> truth.Shahina
> > is a dyed- in- the wool secularist from Kerala.
> > PK
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Prathiba Sundaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 10:35 AM
> > Subject: [IHRO] KK Shahina on our Mainstream NewsMedias
> >
> >
> > Bombs Defused In Newsrooms
> >
> > By K.K. Shahina
> >
> > Thehoot.org
> >
> >
> >
> > The national news papers are now awash with stories of the past and
> present
> > of Jihad, depicting the picture of the 'venomous, truculent Indian Muslim
> > youth' each carrying an improvised explosive device (IED) within himself,
> > lethal enough to burn the country. It is a fact that a section of the
> > community is attracted by fundamentalist outfits, most of them motivated
> > only by blind faith and a few of them by material 'offers'. Each and
> every
> > time a blast occur, the entire Muslim community is put in the dock and
> they
> > themselves carry a strong sense of guilt as if they too are accomplices
> in a
> > cold-blooded crime. The media of course plays a vital role in charging a
> > community for crimes executed by some sick minded monomaniacs, by the
> > colored stories, semi-fiction and fiction on SIMI, LeT, HuJI, and of
> course
> > ISI and the involvement of the youth in the same. It is turned out to be
> > tough to distinguish between a believer and a terrorist. Anybody who
> grows a
> > beard, does namaz, and follows his religion, is prone to be arrested and
> > detained at any time!
> >
> >
> >
> > Some times the stories untold serve a purpose more, than the stories
> told.
> > Covertly, for a couple of weeks the national news papers effectively
> serve
> > this purpose, deliberately or not. Look at the way media handled the
> blasts
> > in which Sangh activists have been involved. Let me cite an example. The
> > Indian Express and Mail Today have carried the story of Kanpur blast in
> > which two Bajrang Dal activists were killed. Both of them were killed
> while
> > they were engaged in bomb making. (The Bajrang Bomb?-IE; Bajrang Dal
> plotted
> > revenge blasts in Kanpur-MT, 26th /27th Aug.2008) It is also reported
> that,
> > the police was astonished to see the quantity of bombs found.
> >
> > The blast which occurred on 24th August hardly found even a single column
> > space in the leading news papers like The Hindu and Times of India, next
> > day. Hindustan Times carried the item, but with out mentioning the
> identity
> > of those who killed. The only information the story delivers is that the
> > father of Piyush Misra, one among the dead, was running a private hostel
> in
> > the locality! On the next day (26th August) The Indian Express and Mail
> > Today carried the item with some detailing. There was hardly any follow
> up
> > stories in HT, TOI or The Hindu. Thriller like stories of Omprakash alias
> > Bundy, a notorious gang leader gunned down by the police was the feast
> > gave to its readers next day. Times lavishly spend more than a page for
> > Bundy the gang leader. On the days that followed, there was intensive and
> > extensive coverage of police cracking down the Jaipur blast mystery,
> > 'investigative' stories on Shahnaz Hussain, the 'computer savvy' master
> mind
> > alleged to be behind the serial blasts. But a dreadful silence was kept
> > about the origin of bombs dug out from the camp of Sangh Parivar all
> along.
> > A great number of human rights activists and organizations demanded
> > immediate probe to unearth the explosive agenda hidden by Sangh Parivar
> .The
> > statements issued and press conferences conducted in this regard were
> > squeezed to single columns in the national newspapers.
> >
> >
> >
> > In an interview to Tehelka former Madya Pradesh Chief Minister and
> Congress
> > leader Digvijay Singh had pointed out that there is solid evidence for
> the
> > Sangh Parivar's involvement in making bombs and other explosive devices.
> > "Investigate the timings of the blasts' Digvijay Singh demands, "the
> timing
> > is quite uncanny. Why does it always happen when the BJP is in trouble?
> That
> > needs investigation". He cites several instances in which VHP and RSS
> were
> > caught in trouble. "There was a bomb blast in the VHP office in Madhya
> > Pradesh, in 1992, where one VHP member died and two were injured while
> > making bombs. Then in 2002, there was a bomb blast in a temple in Mhow.
> When
> > the police arrested the VHP activists after investigation, they confessed
> > that they were even given training to manufacture bombs. I have a
> > videocassette of that confession. Again, in 2006, in Nanded, there was a
> > bomb blast in the house of a RSS activist where two RSS activists died.
> > After that in March 2008, there were bomb blasts at two places in Tamil
> > Nadu. Then too VHP activists were arrested by the Tamil Nadu police who
> > confessed that they were involved. And how did the Gujarat police
> suddenly
> > find eighteen bombs planted on trees in Surat?"
> >
> >
> >
> > BJP leader Sushama Swaraj too had a similar take on conspiracy behind the
> > terror strikes though her allegation (from which the BJP back tracked
> later)
> > was against the Congress. Nevertheless she had admitted that the terror
> > strikes need not necessarily be designed and executed by ISI and Jihadis
> all
> > the time, but there are other possibilities too at times. She alleged
> that
> > Congress might have had a role in the blast to deviate attention from the
> > cash for vote scandal. With leaders of the stature of Sushama Swaraj and
> > Digvijay Singh joining the party, accusing each other of conspiring
> behind
> > terror strikes, these kind of conspiracy theories -which had only been in
> > air as whispers in the past- got in to the public discourse. Yet our
> > mainstream news papers decided to keep away from this hot potato.
> >
> >
> >
> > It seems that media is blind to such possible egregious designs by Sangh
> > parivar. Teesta Setalwad called for an immediate ban on Bajrang Dal and
> > for spreading terrorism across the country. The Nanded bomb blast is a
> clear
> > case of Sangh's disastrous bomb making business. The incident was in 2006
> in
> > Nanded in Maharashtra, in which two RSS activists were killed. The
> Hindustan
> > Times termed it as a 'mysterious explosion' in which the possibility of
> any
> > mischievous activity had been ruled out prima facie by the police. The
> facts
> > unearthed by activists like Teesta Setalwad and the allegations raised by
> > politicians like Digvijay Singh as well as Sushma Swaraj need deeper
> > analysis from the part of the media. Unfortunately the media discourses
> on
> > terrorism are largely run by the postulated theories about the Muslim
> youth
> > who carries a dangerous killer instinct within themselves.
> >
> >
> >
> > Nothing better could be expected from news rooms stricken with minority
> > phobia. Alarmingly, media exposes itself in times of violence against
> > minorities. The Gujarat genocide was such an instance in which the
> secular
> > credentials of the mainstream media had been challenged. Now again we are
> > going through a period of Sangh violence in which people are being burnt
> > alive, nuns being raped, priests abducted, humiliated in public and
> killed.
> > Media does nothing better than it did when the Muslims in Gujarat were
> > effaced.
> >
> >
> >
> > The coverage of the Sangh Parivar violence in Orissa, by the mainstream
> > media reveals the character of the Indian press. After the very first day
> of
> > violence, the leading national daily in the country, Times of India,
> hasn't
> > find it worth enough to run it in the front page! After 26th of August,
> the
> > Times' reader can hardly find news from Orissa, unless he diligently
> spares
> > more time to go to the inner pages. TOI has written an editorial
> demanding
> > to put an end to violence against Christians in Orissa. From the day
> next,
> > the newspaper runs as if it had completed it's duty and has better things
> to
> > do!
> >
> > Look at the effort the Times News Network takes to endorse the VHP
> argument
> > that Lakshmananada Saraswathy was killed not by the Maoists but by the
> > Christian missionaries (Maoists didn't kill VHP leader –TOI 31st August).
> > Media may have their own policies about page design and lay out, but of
> > course it conveys a meaning, disseminates a message, as it is said by
> > Marshal Mc Luhan, 'media is the message'. On the other hand, Orissa
> violence
> > has had a rather fair deal in other news papers like The Hindu, IE and
> HT.
> > They have given extensive coverage to the plight of hundreds of
> Christians,
> > who are forced to flee. The voice of the Christian church also well
> heard,
> > but in general, it seems that the Sangh Parivar violence is never dealt
> with
> > the same vigor by which the 'Islamic terror' is treated.'
> >
> >
> >
> > Media uses different scales to measure terrorism. The word 'terrorism' is
> > never used when a story on Sangh violence is told, No matter how ever
> large
> > scale the violence is. The violence unleashed by the Sangh Parivar in
> > Gujarat was defined only as the flagrant expression of communalism and
> the
> > same is the case with what happens in Orissa at present. Conceptualizing
> > 'Sangh terror' is a rare exercise in media discourses. The style book
> > followed by each and every media itself is a fine expression of how they
> > conceived the ideas of Hindu fundamentalism and 'Muslim terrorism' as
> well.
> >
> >
> >
> > More than a dozen explosions have occurred within a couple of years in
> > different parts of the country. When ever there is a blast, we hear
> stories
> > about Jihadis behind .The top officials of investigating agencies along
> with
> > political leadership come forward with statements about the involvement
> of
> > Pakistan and ISI instantaneously. The ISI story has turned out to be
> rather
> > stale which carries no substance at all, as far as a reader of news paper
> is
> > concerned. Each and every terror strike is followed by the same, usual
> drama
> > by the police. Red alert is declared in the area (nobody knows when it is
> > lifted; most probably no information is available from News Papers in
> this
> > regard!) The immediate arrest of a few numbers of Muslims for alleged
> > connection with SIMI, Indian Mujahideen or similar organizations, is the
> > next step. Raiding internet cafes nowadays have become another ritual
> from
> > the part of the police and of course Madrassas are not spared, they are
> put
> > under strict surveillance. In many cases police claims that they have
> > cracked the case by presenting half a dozen of beard faced people
> detained.
> > Many questions are left unanswered like who are the bigger players and
> where
> > the money comes from. In all the recent incidents of serial blasts,
> police
> > were in a hurry to claim that the case is cracked and thus to close the
> > file. The ATS (Anti Terror Squad) enquiring into the recent Ahmedabad
> serial
> > blast stated that there is indeed connection between all the serial
> blasts
> > taken place recently in different parts of the country, especially that
> of
> > Ahmedabad, and Jaipur. It might be true, but nobody knows what
> breakthrough
> > is achieved and what all are the solid evidence to prove this claim. The
> > investigating agencies as well as our mainstream media is very much
> > preoccupied with the idea that 'bombs are made only in the stores of
> Muslim
> > fundamentalist groups'.
> >
> >
> >
> > The police and investigating agencies seem to be more than happy to nab
> soft
> > targets who are small timers like street vendors, rickshaw wallahs
> bicycle
> > thieves and even vagabonds. It was found that unmanned bicycles were used
> to
> > carry bombs in Ahmedabad. The immediate action by the police was to hunt
> > down these soft targets who are striving to survive in the margins of
> > metros. It seems that Police and the media are hardly aware of the fact
> > that, terrorism is a 'big deal' beyond the reach of the poor. The story
> > carried out by Times of India on this (28th July) brought to my mind once
> > again the life of Antonio Ricci, the protagonist of the Dissica classic
> > Bicycle thieves. The film is considered one of the ever best made. A
> > desperate Antonio Ricci, after several abortive attempts to get his
> stolen
> > bicycle back, tries to steal another, a crime pardoned by its owner.
> History
> > absolves poor Antonio Ricci who lives in poverty stricken Italy
> devastated
> > by World War II.
> >
> >
> >
> > It is an old story. In the present era nobody will spare Antonio Ricci.
> He
> > is under strict surveillance by the Police, Intelligence and Media, be
> cause
> > we are living in a reign of terror. No option is left for a terror
> stricken
> > country but to book all the bicycle thieves, as long as there are no
> > measures to identify terrorism, its roots, and its goals.
> >
> >

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