It was an epiphany. A kind of a Eureka moment. I was thinking all evening
why all my 'engagements' with the Eminent Journalist - EJ for short, not
just because it rhymes with DJ/RJ, it also gives a nice feeling that the EJ
is actually somebody who does something useful like the former: as Dale
Carnegie would say, the worst you could do to a person is  to hurt his ego
by denying him his feeling of importance - ended with the latter screaming
bloody murder at me. It can't be Him. I was too dazed, since the images of
my venality, my 'sahasranamam' of evil names were 'bestowed upon me at such
a speed as to render linear thought
(the compose box is hardly limiting, after all).  Then it struck me - I
don't see the world the way EJ sees. I refused to imbibe his Revealed
Wisdom. I committed the unpardonable crime of questioning Him. How stupid of
me not to realize this earlier! I saw the error in my ways and decided to do
something about it. I not only accept His Revealed Wisdom, I record them for
posterity as kings of the yore used to do:

1. Narendra Modi is the Evil One. He is responsible all that is evil on
earth. I mean terrorism and that sort of thing. Less sure about AIDS, global
warming etc. If only could somebody effect the 'sudden removal' (to borrow a
phrase from another EJ) of this vile individual, terrorism will disappear
from the face of the earth. Well, not quite. A country that lies in between
geographic coordinates 31 30 N, 34 45 E needs to be removed from the face of
earth too.

2. India and Pakistan are two nuclear armed states. Now repeat that ten
times to yourself before you open your mouth to speak something about the
subcontinental situation. Forgive our friends from across the border who
forgot this cardinal rule when they came to visit us at Kargil. The boys
won't repeat it. Henceforth, they will only send their emissaries to railway
stations, hotels etc., for people to people contact with lathi-wielding
cops, rail commuters, backpackers etc., not to snow capped mountains to
engage with the Indian Army.

3. Do not ask a man his salary, a woman her age and a terrorist his
ideology. Terrorism has only root causes, no ideologies. If they themselves
tell you <> otherwise,
don't listen, they are being forced to speak at the pain of death by the
Zionists. Except Hindu terrorists. They have only ideology, no root cause.
You associate the terrorist ideology with The Religion of Peace(TM)? Drop
dead, you evil communalist!

4. Beware of Internet links. I am not talking about malware and stuff. Don't
post them to any forum. You don't know what evil the owners of those links
are capable of. If you post them even once, You Are With Them And Against
Us. No use regretting later. The privilege of shaking off all previous links
with a single rebuttal is reserved only for the FOSA
The FOSA guys should be cut some slack anyways - they didn't paste links
from those guys, they only organized a rally with them, after all.

5. The most important thing in the universe is maintaining the balance. The
sages and gods of folklore used to get really worked up over this.
Fortunately for us, this delicate balance is maintained by default in the
21st century. For every Taj, there is a Marriott. For every Akshardham there
is a Lal Masjid. For every Mrs Gandhi, there is a Ms Bhutto. Cheer up, guys!

6. Intelligence failed because the agencies are manned by Hindutvavadis, who
were so obsessed with the Muslim terrorist that they failed to spot the
Zionists sneaking through in hijacked trawlers. Not that they would have
done something if they did - the Hindutvavadis and the Zionists are

7. Never take the obvious at face value. After all, Sherlock Holmes used to
tell Dr Watson that it is the not-so-obvious that holds the clue. Don't look
at the dead terrorists, the captured terrorist, the boat with the dead
skipper. Use your imagination. The more colorful, the better. Though I have
no illusions of coming within the earshot of the Master, I will try my hand
at it: the terrorists timed the attack carefully to coincide with the state
elections (never mind they got some date wrong, as it happened *after* part
of the election was already over) because they wanted the BJP to come to
power both at the states and the center. So that the Hindutvavadis will get
another chance to stir the communal cauldron. What better justification for
future jihad ops than Gujarat-II? Or this one: the terrorists targeted
Hemant Karkare et al. to malign the Sangh Parivar. They knew that the
Sanghis were baying for his blood over Malegaon. They could kill two birds
with one stone if they could get at Karkare - the ATS chief would be
eliminated and the blame would be put on the Sanghis.

8. The Hindu mythology says that even Gods are not exempt from the natural
law. So is EJ. Memory is short for Him too. But the invention of permanent
storage - hard disk and stuff like that, the vile little tools of the
neo-liberals, though not as evil as the Internet itself
has brought back some sense of order. This is what EJ wrote: *I have seen
Spade arguing some where that the "felt defeat" of Germans were the reason
for Nazi emergence. *This is what I wrote: *No analysis of Nazism is
complete without referring to the conditions after WW-I, the German
humiliation at Varsailles etc., but never are they offered as a
justification or even explanation for Nazism. Nazism is seen rightly as a
diabolical ideology in its own right.* The EJ too has to obey the natural
law, you see.

9. Hemant Karkare is the one and only hero from the secutiry forces ever.
Never mind we were calling him names not so long ago. The others - every one
of them - in the security establishment exist solely for the purpose of
torturing and harassing innocent Muslims.

I was thinking of going offline once again. But I will not do that. I will
spend more time to read the jewels from EJ. I have asked my manager to take
some of the more time consuming and difficult work off me. Seeing my point
he has agreed. After all, such jewels of Revealed Wisdom come only once in a
lifetime. If you miss it, you will not get another chance.


Liberty, if it means anything, is the right to tell people what they don't
want to hear.

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