Wikipedia editors may approve all changes

   - *Bobbie Johnson* <> in
   San Francisco
   - The Guardian, <> Tuesday 27
   January 2009
   - Article 

 Wikipedia <> faces a revolt
among thousands of its contributors over proposals to change the way the
online encyclopedia is run.

Until now, Wikipedia has allowed anybody to make instant changes to almost
all of its 2.7m entries, with only a handful of entries protected from being

But under proposals put forward by the website's co-founder Jimmy Wales,
many future changes to the site would need to be approved by a group of
editors before going live.

Wales argues the scheme will bring greater accuracy, particularly in
articles referring to living people. But the possibility has caused a furore
among Wikipedia users, since many see it as a fundamental change to the
egalitarian nature of the site.

A user poll on the website suggests 60% are in favour of trials, which could
take place within the next few weeks. But some think the split could
ultimately threaten the future of the site.

"The big issue is that while we have majority support, we don't have
consensus, and that's the way we have always made our decisions," said Jake
Wartenberg. "A lot of editors are becoming disenchanted with the project; we
are losing them all the time."

Such changes have been considered before, but were brought into focus last
week when Wikipedia falsely announced that two prominent US politicians had

On the day of Barack Obama's inauguration, the site reported the deaths of
West Virginia's Robert Byrd - the longest-serving senator in American
history - and Ted Kennedy, who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and
collapsed during the inaugural lunch.

Both reports were false, and Wikipedia quickly changed the site back to
reflect the truth, but the situation drove Wales to push strongly for

"This nonsense would have been 100% prevented by flagged revisions," he
wrote on the site. "This was a breaking news story and we want people to be
able to participate [but] we have a tool available now that is consistent
with higher quality."

The technical system that allows Wikipedia to run in this way was released
last summer and has already been put into place on the German version of the
website. But German editors have decided that changes will not be approved
for around three weeks - a timescale which Wales suggests would be
"unacceptable" for the English-language site.

It would not be the first major change in the way the site, ranked as the
world's seventh largest by traffic analysis tool Alexa, operates. In 2005,
Wikipedia said it was going to prevent anonymous users from creating entries
as a way of stopping cyber-bullying and vandalism.

That change was also spurred by a political controversy, in which prominent
journalist and Democratic party aide John Siegenthaler discovered that an
anonymous user had written a biography of him which alleged that he was
involved in the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy in the 1960s.

Wikipedia has also locked down a number of controversial articles in order
to prevent long-running "edit wars".

If the site grants new powers to editors, it would bring Wikipedia even
closer to traditional encyclopedia websites such as Britannica, which last
week announced that it would be launching a new online version that would
allow readers to submit their own updates to entries. That change came after
a bitter war of words, following a 2005 study by science journal Nature that
found Wikipedia and Britannica were often comparable for accuracy - and in
some cases, Wikipedia won.

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