Exactly Salim, he read all her works and waiting for her new book still he
didn’t understand anything. It is better that way. There is a huge problem
if he could understand what Arundhathi is writing and still be a Shashi
Tharoor/ Israeli fan J

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:34 PM, salimtk <sali...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  u read her books n articles and u ask who she is!!!  intended insult is
> obvious. but, pls stop reading her any more with the 'qualification' of
> reading shashi.
> and mind the subject here is state t-e-r-r-o-r-i-s-m in srilnka and
> horrific situation of tamils there.
>   On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:34 PM, bobinson <bobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a genuine doubt. Who is Arundhati Roy ? Why people forward and
>> publish her opinions on various topics ? Yes, her language and vocabulary is
>> as good as Sashi Tharoor's etc, I have read her books, wiki entry and
>> various articles written by her and as far as I know she is writing a new
>> book and I may read that too etc but still I don't understand. Can someone
>> enlighten me ?
>> 2009/4/2 sarathi <vpslawf...@gmail.com>
>>> On 31 Mar, 11:51, Anivar Aravind <anivar.arav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Many of the Journalists supporting tamil cause is also getting
>>> > targeted . Around 12 Journalists are now escaped to india after the
>>> > murder of a Jouranlist by Srilankan army
>>> >
>>> > >  One of my colleagues( A driver who happened to be Tamil) was picked
>>> up on his way back home- after a marriage function. And he is still in Jail-
>>> and as someone who knows him- the guy is far away from any political issues-
>>> and someone who just wanted to have a peaceful family life.
>>> >
>>> > Dear John, This is nothing new in Colombo. This called as White Van
>>> > catches. If the army uses white maruti vans to capture  tamilians in
>>> > colombo streets after 9 pm. Once a person is catched by these people
>>> > he will never come back.  I remember Tamil friends were rushing back
>>> > to houses by 8 pm to avoid possible threats even during South asian
>>> > peoples assembly last year.
>>> >
>>> > Anivar
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > J
>>> >
>>> > > --- On Tue, 3/31/09, Anivar Aravind <anivar.arav...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > From: Anivar Aravind <anivar.arav...@gmail.com>
>>> > > Subject: [FEC] Arundhati Roy on Sri Lanka (fwd)
>>> > > To: "Greenyouth" <greenyouth@googlegroups.com>, "
>>> fourth-estate-criti...@googlegroups.com" <
>>> fourth-estate-criti...@googlegroups.com>, "JINU ABRAHAM" <
>>> heartofjoy.j...@gmail.com>
>>>  > > Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 11:56 AM
>>> >
>>> > > '...It's a colossal humanitarian tragedy. The world must step in.
>>> Now. Before it's too late. ...'
>>> >
>>> > > THE SILENT HORROR OF THE WAR IN SRI LANKA by Arundhati Roy, Times of
>>> India, 30th march 2009
>>> >
>>> > > The horror that is unfolding in Sri Lanka becomes possible because of
>>> the silence that surrounds it. There is almost no reporting in the
>>> mainstream Indian media - or indeed in the international press - about what
>>> is happening there. Why this should be so is a matter of serious concern.
>>> >
>>> > > From the little information that is filtering through it looks as
>>> though the Sri Lankan government is using the propaganda of the 'war on
>>> terror' as a fig leaf to dismantle any semblance of democracy in the
>>> country, and commit unspeakable crimes against the Tamil people. Working on
>>> the principle that every Tamil is a terrorist unless he or she can prove
>>> otherwise, civilian areas, hospitals and shelters are being bombed and
>>> turned into a war zone. Reliable estimates put the number of civilians
>>> trapped at over 200,000. The Sri Lankan Army is advancing, armed with tanks
>>> and aircraft.
>>> >
>>> > > Meanwhile, there are official reports that several 'welfare villages'
>>> have been established to house displaced Tamils in Vavuniya and Mannar
>>> districts. According to a report in The Daily Telegraph (Feb 14, 2009),
>>> these villages 'will be compulsory holding centres for all civilians fleeing
>>> the fighting'. Is this a euphemism for concentration camps? The former
>>> foreign minister of Sri Lanka, Mangala Samaraveera, told The Daily
>>> Telegraph: 'A few months ago the government started registering all Tamils
>>> in Colombo on the grounds that they could be a security threat, but this
>>> could be exploited for other purposes like the Nazis in the 1930s. They're
>>> basically going to label the whole civilian Tamil population as potential
>>> terrorists.'
>>> >
>>> > > Given its stated objective of 'wiping out' the LTTE, this malevolent
>>> collapse of civilians and 'terrorists' does seem to signal that the
>>> government of Sri Lanka is on the verge of committing what could end up
>>> being genocide. According to a UN estimate several thousand people have
>>> already been killed. Thousands more are critically wounded. The few
>>> eyewitness reports that have come out are descriptions of a nightmare from
>>> hell. What we are witnessing, or should we say, what is happening in Sri
>>> Lanka and is being so effectively hidden from public scrutiny, is a brazen,
>>> openly racist war. The impunity with which the Sri Lankan government is
>>> being able to commit these crimes actually unveils the deeply ingrained
>>> racist prejudice, which is precisely what led to the marginalization and
>>> alienation of the Tamils of Sri Lanka in the first place. That racism has a
>>> long history, of social ostracisation, economic blockades, pogroms and
>>> torture. The brutal nature of the decades-long civil war, which started as a
>>> peaceful, non-violent protest, has its roots in this.
>>> >
>>> > > Why the silence? In another interview Mangala Samaraveera says, 'A
>>> free media is virtually non-existent in Sri Lanka today.'
>>> >
>>> > > Samaraveera goes on to talk about death squads and 'white van
>>> abductions', which have made society 'freeze with fear'. Voices of dissent,
>>> including those of several journalists, have been abducted and assassinated.
>>> The International Federation of Journalists accuses the government of Sri
>>> Lanka of using a combination of anti-terrorism laws, disappearances and
>>> assassinations to silence journalists.
>>> >
>>> > > There are disturbing but unconfirmed reports that the Indian
>>> government is lending material and logistical support to the Sri Lankan
>>> government in these crimes against humanity. If this is true, it is
>>> outrageous. What of the governments of other countries? Pakistan? China?
>>> What are they doing to help, or harm the situation?
>>> >
>>> > > In Tamil Nadu the war in Sri Lanka has fuelled passions that have led
>>> to more than 10 people immolating themselves. The public anger and anguish,
>>> much of it genuine, some of it obviously cynical political manipulation, has
>>> become an election issue.
>>> >
>>> > > It is extraordinary that this concern has not travelled to the rest
>>> of India. Why is there silence here? There are no ?white van abductions? ?
>>> at least not on this issue. Given the scale of what is happening in Sri
>>> Lanka, the silence is inexcusable. More so because of the Indian
>>> government's long history of irresponsible dabbling in the conflict, first
>>> taking one side and then the other. Several of us including myself, who
>>> should have spoken out much earlier, have not done so, simply because of a
>>> lack of information about the war. So while the killing continues, while
>>> tens of thousands of people are being barricaded into concentration camps,
>>> while more than 200,000 face starvation, and a genocide waits to happen,
>>> there is dead silence from this great country. It's a colossal humanitarian
>>> tragedy. The world must step in. Now. Before it's too late.
>>> >
>>> > > ------------* -----------------
>>> >
>>> > > --
>>> > > Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free
>>> Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs. Learning
>>> Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free
>>> > Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs.
>>> > Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.
>> >>

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