It is really unfortunate situation. All spectrum of Communist Parties using
violence to their end, constitutional or extra constitutional - using state
and outside state,against common people and their struggles. Violence
breading and justifying violence.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:29 PM, damodar prasad

> Hi,
> Cross-posting Aditya Nigam's write-up from Kafila
> *Maoist Violence in Lalgarh, West Bengal, Must be Condemned*
> The inevitable has happened. As soon as the election results came out and
> the wall of fear collapsed and mass anger against the ruling CPM became
> evident, the Maoists waiting in the wings have come out into the open. 
> *However,
> what is happening today in Lalgarh and other parts of West Bengal cannot be
> justified by pointing at the CPM’s totalitarian terror in the Bengal
> countryside.*
> According to reports, the violence, killings of CPM activists and members,
> especially in Lalgarh, has now acquired unprecedented proportions. CPM
> members are being driven out of their homes or killed. The offices of the
> party have been targeted on a large scale, not just in Lalgarh but elsewhere
> in West Bengal.
> At Kafila, we had earlier, on 22 April, reported on what is going on in
> Lalgarh<>.
> That Maoists have been active in Lalgarh is well known. In this report filed
> after a visit to Lalgarh, Monobina Gupta had drawn attention towards the
> disjunction between the Maoist leadership’s designs and the local Maoist
> activists who were having to work along with the popular sentiment.
> Monobina’s report went further:
> *In fact, curiously enough, the situation on ground zero is not going
> exactly in accordance with the plans of Maoist central leaders who favour
> stepping up violence*. Insiders talk about a growing discordance between
> the central leadership and the ‘Maoist villager’, active in the movement.
> *With the agitation forging ahead, Maoist central leaders want to have a
> firmer grip; they want landmines, killings, terror, systematic targeting of
> informers*. But the grassroots ‘Maoist’ worker is unwilling. “They realize
> any such violent action will lead to their isolation and the death of the
> movement. *But Maoist central leaders believe they made the movement and
> should have the right to control it,” said an insider*. “One of the
> reasons villagers are sympathetic to Maoists is because they know them
> intimately, not as some distant commander, but the youth next door, who
> works for and with the poor. But violence would find little endorsement,” he
> said.
> Today, in the aftermath of the elections, the design of the Maoist central
> leadership seems to have won the day. Maoist cadre are out in the open.
> Activists associated with the movement and with the Lalgarh Sanhati Mancha,
> confess to a feeling of helplessness as the armed Maoist cadre threaten to
> take over and derail the movement that has so far afforded little space to
> its politics of violence.
> In some of our earlier posts, we had condemned Maoist violence in
> Chattisgarh, especially its threats against the human shields 
> programme<>of
>  the Vanvasi Chetna Ashram and the wanton killings
> by them in 
> Nayagarh<>in
>  Orissa (22 February 2008). The latter was a statement issued by eleven
> intellectuals and activists who had also been raising their voice against
> the Nandigram violence. This statement expressed its “complete opposition to
> this cult of violence” and had warned that
> *The Maoist atrocity in Nayagarh is particularly unfortunate as it is 
> detrimental
> to the various democratic mass movements all over Orissa that are resisting
> the policies of land grab and diversion of natural resources to global and
> domestic corporations.* The Orissa government is bound to use this
> incident as yet another excuse to crack down on the militant but non-violent
> struggles of the people against unjust development policies in the state.
> Today, once again, in West Bengal this is the threat that the democratic
> mass movement faces. Maoist violence is once again set to eliminate every
> intermediate space of democratic protest and struggle, leaving the villagers
> with only two options: either line up with the state or follow the Maoists.
> This is the picture everywhere, wherever the Maoists are in command, from
> Chattisgarh to parts of Andhra and Orissa. That is the challenge before
> democratic struggles and public opinion today.
> >

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