Clear the confusion, please by taking positive action!
The response  from Mr.Kapil Sibbal to Mr Surendra Prasad, Director,
IIT,Delhi seems to be far from ending the controversy.
"Sir, we are  a little bit confused on faculty reservation. There is
mental strain among
 us about it. We are confused."- (Director,IIT, Delhi)

 "Faculty reservation in IITs is a fact. Any attempt to exempt (it) is
 infructuous,"  - (Sibal told all the 12 IITs in a programme at IIT

If the Minister really means business, he should take action against
people misusing  their offices sitting in high positions and causing/
attempting to cause  infraction of the existing law. That alone will
help allay the fears of aspirants (of faculty posts) belonging to the
reserved categories.


n 2 July, 08:40, Ranjit Ranjit <> wrote:
> Apparantly, Kapil Sibbal has corrected his stand on this issue, thanks to
> those who initiated writing letters to President, Prime Minister and other
> members of the Parliament about his earlier statements. Also, look at the
> stubbornness of IIT Director, he would be on top of the merit-list of men to
> be hanged ;-)
>  Reservation in IITs is a fact: Kapil Sibal
> New Delhi, July 01, 2009
> Clearing all speculation on faculty reservation in Indian institutes of
> technology (IITs), Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Kapil Sibal
> Wednesday said quota in faculty recruitment at the IITs was a fact and these
> institutions "have to work with it".
> "Faculty reservation in IITs is a fact. Any attempt to exempt (it) is
> infructuous," Sibal told all the 12 IITs in a programme at IIT Delhi.
> The comment came after IIT Delhi director Surendra Prasad said: "Sir, we are
> a little bit confused on faculty reservation. There is mental strain among
> us about it. We are confused."
> In response to the statement, Sibal made his stand clear and went on to add
> that "as we move bottom upward, the problem will be solved. You have to work
> with it."
> The HRD ministry last year had advocated implementation of 15 percent quota
> for Scheduled Castes, 7.5 per cent for Scheduled Tribes and 27 per cent for
> Other Backward Castes in the faculty recruitments. However, all IITs across
> the country have opposed it.
> Sibal said that IITs might be confused about the issue but not the
> government. "We are not confused. The issue must be handled with sensitivity
> and care."
> "No institution can live in isolation. It has to take everyone along."
> Though majority of the IITs expressed their displeasure over the
> development, many refused to give an official comment. But IIT Madras
> director M S Ananth told IANS: "We are going to debate the issue."
> --
> Ranjit
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