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From: Sandeep Singh <sandeep.jn...@gmail.com>

* JNUSU Condemns Acquittal of Prof. Sabharwal's Killers

"Judiciary used Lyngdoh Committee to penalise JNUSU's model elections, but
allowed ABVP goons to get away with murder" - Sandeep Singuh, JNUSU
JNUSU condemns the Nagpur Court's acquittal of the six ABVP leaders accused
in the lynching of Prof. Sabharwal in Ujjain. The assault on Prof. Sabharwal
was captured on film by TV channels and seen by the whole country. Yet the
killers have been acquitted for 'lack of evidence.' The killers' patrons in
the BJP Govt of Madhya Pradesh has ensured that the MP police brought no
evidence to the court, and turned all witnesses hostile. Even at the time of
the murder the key eyewitness had said on TV that he was receiving threats.

In a Press Statement issued today, JNUSU President Sandeep Singh said, "In
the wake of national anger against Prof. Sabharwal's murder, the Supreme
Court had set up the Lyngdoh Committee to prepare guidelines for students'
union elections. Last year, the Supreme Court used the Lyngdoh
recommendations to impose a stay on JNUSU elections claiming that JNUSU
rules and regulations were in violation of the Lyngdoh Committee's own
recommendations. It is well known that JNUSU elections are in fact a model
for the entire country, being completely peaceful, democratic and conducted
by students themselves. Yet the Supreme Court took 'suo motu' notice of
JNUSU elections and stayed it. But while the judiciary has penalised JNUSU's
model elections process, it has only given us a terrible miscarriage of
justice in the Sabharwal murder case, by acquitting the killers in spite of
the evidence available on film.

Will the Supreme Court, which took 'suo motu' notice of JNUSU elections,
take similar notice of the miscarriage of justice in the Sabharwal murder
case? Will the Supreme Court recognise that the JNUSU elections are in fact
a model - completely devoid of money power and mucle power - and restore JNU
students' democratic rights? We students of JNUSU certainly hope so."

President, JNUSU
Mob. No. 9868033425

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