Excerpt of Comments by Kalpana Kannabiran on the Delhi HC Judgement
On Sec 377,IPC in the Hindu article

India: From ’perversion’ to right to life with dignity

by Kalpana Kannabiran, 6 July 2009, the Hindu

"...Perhaps the most important issue the judgment addresses is the
meaning of “sex” in Article 15(1) of the Constitution of India: “The
state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of
religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.” Does the
term “sex” in this context refer to attribute or performance? Is sex
to be applied in a restricted fashion to gender or can the multiple
resonances of its common usage be taken into account, so that sex is
both gender (attribute) and sexual orientation (performance)? This is
particularly significant because, as the judgment demonstrates through
an extensive review of case law and principles from different parts of
the world, gender and sexual orientation are an intrinsic and
inalienable part of every human being; they are constituents of a
person’s identity. In the words of Justice Sachs of South Africa, the
constitution “acknowledges that people live in their bodies, their
communities, their cultures, their places and their times” (Sachs J.
in The National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality v. The Minister
of Justice). It is this composite identity of every person that is
affirmed through a nuanced reading of “sex” in Article 15(1): “We hold
that sexual orientation is a ground analogous to sex and that
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not permitted by
Article 15 (Para 104)...”







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