Please don't submit your password to anyone, other than to register
(where you provide a password that you will use later) or to login to
registered site. Passwords should ideally contain lower case and upper
case characters, numerals and other characters (such as @, #, $, etc.)
to make it secure. And protect your password as carefully as you can.
Better not even write it down anywhere. Don't trust anyone who asks
your password without reason.

Dr. V. Sasi Kumar
Please visit

On 10 Aug, 21:36, Venugopalan K M <> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I get certain messages in the names of friends , inviting me to join some
> new network; but it comes as some partially hidden message asking for
> submitting my password
> The sender expects the response to be sent to this id:
> -- <>
> This looks quite far from probable that my best friends address me without
> using their personal ids but using their names, though I don't rule out
> chances for that as well.
> Before submitting my password there , I like to get personal mails from my
> dear friends in confirmation and otherwise I would request them to check if
> any fraud is taking place using their names as a consequence of their
> joining some groups with ulterior motives.
> If there is nothing that looks odd, please ignore my message.
> Best Regards,
> Venu .
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