*'Dalit' :-*"Can some body enlighten me please why when a Dalit starts
speaking up she is either referred to Vedas or to Marx’s capital ?? Cant
they just see that both of them have been rejected lock, stock and barrel by
the Dalits and it has happened more because both these ’sacred’ texts have
been used to silence their voices than due to any other reasons ??? "
"When a dalit starts speaking.. ..what happens?
Someone demands not just listening but also hundred percent agreement ...and
certainly no uneasy questions!.."

"hehehe and by the way why you are so bothered about my idiosyncrasies???
Why does it impact you so much?? Why cant u just ignore me just I ignore
many's from your brand."
"Why are you calling me casteist and arrogant?
...for asking questions and having wanted to debate with serious writers?
You think you can take such liberty with people disagreeing..Strange!
Further, you are mistaken if you're suggesting that a writer would respond
to his/her readers only to satisfy( or rather punish, you mean) the latter's
Anyways,... Read More
It is your problem, not mine.."
">>>Why are you calling me casteist and arrogant?<<<
Thats the first sensible question you have asked.
I tell you why I call you so. take a deep breath and again read C's piece
and then your questions which you dubbed as your knee jerk response. read
C's responses too. ...
If you become little honest with yourself then probably you will see why i
call you casteist and arrogant."
With their big capital ,the neo-liberal forces and the corporates back the
Takares to polarise Maharashtra on communal lines; RSS attempts patenting
Hindu &India to project Muslim ,women, dalits ,other minorities,adivasis and
communists as enemies; these are ways to destroy the united resistance of
people, and to muscle democratic voices against bigotry and hatred..
Dalit - Adivasi lands are being taken over by the corporates in a big
way,workers both organized and the unorganized are being treated so badly
and even the labour laws are being arrogantly flouted by the corporates
thanks to the connivance of various state govts and the and central govt.
All these nefarious efforts by the power brokers of different political
persuasions to spread suspicion and hate between powerless sections of
people take place indeed. irrespective of what you and I may be saying. But
it is also true that those continue to be challenged by progressive and
democratic forces..
 *What is your role there?,you like to see dalit politics focused on the
agenda of a 'sarvajan' anti-people ruling class alliance in the feudal
hinterlands plus anti-progressive rhetoric in the name of dalits in the
academic circles!
Do you think that people will miss it?*

*'Other'* :-
(Arundhati says it is Chithambaram's War taking place now )
The flat-topped hills and mountains of Orissa in southeastern India are
being sold off to multinational mining companies for the bauxite they


You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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