---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nuclear Information and Resource Service <nirs...@nirs.org>
Date: 18 March 2010 01:27
Subject: [NucNews] Stop $1 TRILLION in nuclear loans--yep, a trillion!
To: nucn...@yahoogroups.com, n...@wilpf.org

Nuclear Information and Resource Service <nirs...@nirs.org>
6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477;
nirs...@nirs.org; www.nirs.org

*Tell your Senators: Don't Cosponsor Alexander-Webb Trillion Dollar Nuclear
Bailout Bill!

*March 17, 2010

Dear Friends,

Last fall, Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Jim Webb (D-Va.) introduced
S. 2276, the "Clean Energy Act of 2009." But this bill is the opposite of a
"clean energy act"! In fact, its primary intent is to encourage the
construction of at least 100 new reactors in the U.S. by 2030, encourage
reprocessing of radioactive waste, promote additional "small, modular"
reactors, and build a new nuclear power infrastructure. Alexander and Webb
claim they'll do all this with less than $20 billion over the next 10 years.

Sure. And pigs fly, fish ride bikes, and nuclear power is safe and clean.
Their proposal would expand the federal "loan guarantee" program not by a
"mere" $50 or $100 billion, but by putting taxpayers on the hook for as much
as a $1 TRILLION giveaway to wealthy nuclear power interests. *Yep, you read
that right: as much as a trillion taxpayer dollars for new nuclear reactors.
* Here is more background on the bill from Physicians for Social

As you know from our previous Alerts; these aren't just loan "guarantees,"
they are actual taxpayer loans from the obscure Federal Financing Bank. Why
should taxpayers be subsidizing the likes of General Electric, Electricite
de France, Westinghouse and Areva?

So far, there has been no movement on the Alexander-Webb bill. But suddenly
this week, they are circulating a "Dear Colleague" letter to other Senators
seeking new co-sponsors for the bill. That is typically a first step in
trying to move a bill.

* Please write your Senators here and ask them not to co-sponsor this
* At the same time, remind them that there must be no taxpayer subsidies for
nuclear power in any upcoming climate bill as well.

The nuclear industry already has received--with just one loan for Georgia's
Vogtle reactors--65% of all the loan guarantee money granted by the
Department of Energy. Here is an analysis of grants given so
trillion-dollar nuclear loan program would force our nation on a
path, and forever end the promise of clean, safe, renewable energy. We can't
let it happen.

Please help spread the word. Send the link to our action page to your
family, friends, colleagues and organizational e-mail lists:
bill may be absurd, but it is also dangerous, and it's important that
the Senate hear a clear message against it from the American public.

In other news, in just two weeks we've passed the halfway point to our
10,000 signature goal for our petition to Congress to stop President Obama's
proposed $54 billion nuclear loan program! If you haven't yet signed the
petition, please do so
And please help us spread the word about the petition as well. We need to
stop ALL taxpayer loans to the nuclear power industry.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to NIRS this month and helped us
buy another ad on Alternet to reach out and encourage signatures. An ad is
running this week and is bringing in hundreds of new signatures every day.
If you haven't contributed yet and can help with a few dollars (or many
dollars!) to expand our outreach for this campaign, we'd be eternally
grateful. You can contribute on our secure servers

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Peace Is Doable

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