

* *

*Dear Compatriots, Comrades, Friends, Supporters, Well-wishers, Sympathizers
and others,*

* *  A sad news that at  Chandia village in Kalinga Nagar, the Orissa Police
today(12th May, 10) killed another tribal leader  Sri Laxman Zamuda –  as
because villagers opposed forcible displacement by Orissa Administration in
support of Tata Company.*


*It is 106th Day of  Dharna by POSCO Pratirodh Sagram Samiti uninterruptedly
continuing at Balitutha since 26th January 2010 mid-night.*

It appears that  Naveen Government’s thirst for bloods had not been quenched
after the murder of   fourteen tribals of Kalinganagar on 2nd January 2006,
three tribals of Kashipur, one farmer of Erasama, Now their police backed
and supported by the Union Manmohan Government are coming again to Dhinkia
Charidesh for more bloods.  This time, it is for POSCO. Twenty five platoons
of heavily armed police force have arrived yesterday and have already taken
position around Balitutha and Dhinkia Charidesh to attack, the unarmed
peasants, fisher-folks, landless daily labourers, dalits, other backward
classes, women, men, children those who continuing their peaceful resistance
movements the to protect their lands and livelihoods. With a well-knit plan,
they have also brought 3 Magistrates and 5 ambulances to nearby Kujanga
Hospital. Almost all the schools at nearby villages have been forcibly
occupied by the Police force. As per their blue-print to show the farmers,
fisher-folks and dalits their ‘way’, the Police will do flag-march on
12thMay and start operation next day.
How to attack, when to attack and where to attack – all nitty-gritty have
been worked out. Anyone can easily imagine what is going to happen within
next two-three days.

Ninety-nine percent people do not want to leave their livelihoods and lands
for POSCO – repeatedly they have been telling it to Naveen Government since
last five years. For POSCO’s profit, you can not kill 22,000 people. You can
not destroy their livelihood bases – their fertile paddy fields, betel
vines, fish ponds. POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti leaders and people have
already announced that before they die, they are not going to allow POSCO to
ravish their houses, lands, livelihoods, culture and environment.

We challenge  to the Government and their think-tanks to prove that it is
for public interest. We are sure that it will no way benefit people except
giving huge profits to POSCO and other companies, good sum of donations to
the election fund of the vested interest political parties like BJD,
Congress and BJP, commissions to some corrupt bureaucrats/politicians/local
touts. That’s why for the sake of a private company from South Korea, they
are not hesitating to kill their own countrymen – those who are asserting
for their legal and legitimate rights without violating any democratic norms
and principles.

Peacefully, people have been sitting in at Balitutha since 26th January 2010
mid-night and waiting for a positive consideration from the Naveen
Administration. But, they are coming with bullets. In this context, we are
appealing to all democratic and well-meaning people please extend your
solidarity by joining us in the protest dharana, creating pressure on Orissa
government to stop the move.

Prasanta Paikray,

Spokesperson, POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti, Bhubaneswar

Cell - 09437571547


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